iOS基於AVFoundation 制作用於剪輯視頻項目


其實 Apple 官方也給瞭一個 UIVideoEditController 讓我們來做視頻的處理,但難以進行擴展或者自定義,所以咱們就用 Apple 給的一個框架 AVFoundation 來開發自定義的視頻處理。






通過 UIImagePickerController 選取視頻並且跳轉到自定義的編輯控制器



       @objc func selectVideo() {
           if UIImagePickerController.isSourceTypeAvailable(.photoLibrary) {
               let imagePicker = UIImagePickerController()
               imagePicker.delegate = self
               imagePicker.sourceType = .photoLibrary
               imagePicker.mediaTypes = [kUTTypeMovie as String]
               self.present(imagePicker, animated: true, completion: nil)
           else {

    func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [UIImagePickerController.InfoKey : Any]) {
        guard let videoURL = info[UIImagePickerController.InfoKey.mediaURL] as? URL else {
        let pathString = videoURL.relativePath

        self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: {
            let editorVC = EditorVideoViewController.init(with: videoURL)

            editorVC.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.fullScreen
            self.present(editorVC, animated: true) {




在講實現方法之前先介紹一下 CMTime,CMTime 可以用於描述更精確的時間,比如我們想表達視頻中的一個瞬間例如 1:01 大多數時候你可以用 NSTimeInterval t = 61.0 這是沒有什麼大問題的,但浮點數有個比較嚴重的問題就是無法精確的表達10的-6次方比如將一百萬個0.0000001相加,運算結果可能會變成1.0000000000079181,在視頻流傳輸的過程中伴隨著大量的數據加減,這樣就會造成誤差,所以我們需要另一種表達時間的方式,那就是 CMTime


typedef struct {

CMTimeValue value; // 當前的CMTimeValue 的值

CMTimeScale timescale; // 當前的CMTimeValue 的參考標準 (比如:1000)

CMTimeFlags flags;

CMTimeEpoch epoch;

} CMTime;

比如說平時我們所說的如果 timescale = 1000,那麼 CMTimeValue = 1000 * 1 = 100

CMTimeScale timescale: 當前的CMTimeValue 的參考標準,它表示1秒的時間被分成瞭多少份。因為整個CMTime的精度是由它控制的所以它顯的尤為重要。例如,當timescale為1的時候,CMTime不能表示1秒一下的時間和1秒內的增長。相同的,當timescale為1000的時候,每秒鐘便被分成瞭1000份,CMTime的value便代表瞭多少毫秒。


調用方法 generateCGImagesAsynchronously(forTimes requestedTimes: [NSValue], completionHandler handler: @escaping AVAssetImageGeneratorCompletionHandler)

    	@method			generateCGImagesAsynchronouslyForTimes:completionHandler:
    	@abstract		Returns a series of CGImageRefs for an asset at or near the specified times.
    	@param			requestedTimes
    					An NSArray of NSValues, each containing a CMTime, specifying the asset times at which an image is requested.
    	@param			handler
    					A block that will be called when an image request is complete.
    	@discussion		Employs an efficient "batch mode" for getting images in time order.
    					The client will receive exactly one handler callback for each requested time in requestedTimes.
    					Changes to generator properties (snap behavior, maximum size, etc...) will not affect outstanding asynchronous image generation requests.
    					The generated image is not retained.  Clients should retain the image if they wish it to persist after the completion handler returns.
    open func generateCGImagesAsynchronously(forTimes requestedTimes: [NSValue], completionHandler handler: @escaping AVAssetImageGeneratorCompletionHandler)

瀏覽官方的註釋,可以看出需要傳入兩個參數 :

requestedTimes: [NSValue]:請求時間的數組(類型為 NSValue)每一個元素包含一個 CMTime,用於指定請求視頻的時間。

completionHandler handler: @escaping AVAssetImageGeneratorCompletionHandler: 圖像請求完成時將調用的塊,由於方法是異步調用的,所以需要返回主線程更新 UI。


func splitVideoFileUrlFps(splitFileUrl:URL, fps:Float, splitCompleteClosure:@escaping (Bool, [UIImage]) -> Void) {
        var splitImages = [UIImage]()
		//初始化 Asset
        let optDict = NSDictionary(object: NSNumber(value: false), forKey: AVURLAssetPreferPreciseDurationAndTimingKey as NSCopying)
        let urlAsset = AVURLAsset(url: splitFileUrl, options: optDict as? [String : Any])

        let cmTime = urlAsset.duration
        let durationSeconds: Float64 = CMTimeGetSeconds(cmTime)

        var times = [NSValue]()
        let totalFrames: Float64 = durationSeconds * Float64(fps)
        var timeFrame: CMTime

		//定義 CMTime 即請求縮略圖的時間間隔
        for i in 0...Int(totalFrames) {
            timeFrame = CMTimeMake(value: Int64(i), timescale: Int32(fps))
            let timeValue = NSValue(time: timeFrame)


        let imageGenerator = AVAssetImageGenerator(asset: urlAsset)
        imageGenerator.requestedTimeToleranceBefore =
        imageGenerator.requestedTimeToleranceAfter =

        let timesCount = times.count
        imageGenerator.generateCGImagesAsynchronously(forTimes: times) { (requestedTime, image, actualTime, result, error) in

        var isSuccess = false
        switch (result) {
        case AVAssetImageGenerator.Result.cancelled:

        case AVAssetImageGenerator.Result.failed:

        case AVAssetImageGenerator.Result.succeeded:

            let framImg = UIImage(cgImage: image!)

            splitImages.append(self.flipImage(image: framImg, orientaion: 1))
            if (Int(requestedTime.value) == (timesCount-1)) { //最後一幀時 回調賦值
                isSuccess = true
                splitCompleteClosure(isSuccess, splitImages)

				//調用時利用回調更新 UI
self.splitVideoFileUrlFps(splitFileUrl: url, fps: 1) { [weak self](isSuccess, splitImgs) in
            if isSuccess {
                //由於方法是異步的,所以需要回主線程更新 UI
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                print("圖片總數目imgcount:\(String(describing: self?.imageArr.count))")


     @method			seekToTime:toleranceBefore:toleranceAfter:
     @abstract			Moves the playback cursor within a specified time bound.
     @param				time
     @param				toleranceBefore
     @param				toleranceAfter
     @discussion		Use this method to seek to a specified time for the current player item.
    					The time seeked to will be within the range [time-toleranceBefore, time+toleranceAfter] and may differ from the specified time for efficiency.
    					Pass kCMTimeZero for both toleranceBefore and toleranceAfter to request sample accurate seeking which may incur additional decoding delay. 
    					Messaging this method with beforeTolerance:kCMTimePositiveInfinity and afterTolerance:kCMTimePositiveInfinity is the same as messaging seekToTime: directly.
    open func seek(to time: CMTime, toleranceBefore: CMTime, toleranceAfter: CMTime)

三個傳入的參數 time: CMTime, toleranceBefore: CMTime, tolearnceAfter: CMTime ,time 參數很好理解,即為想要跳轉的時間。那麼後面兩個參數,按照官方的註釋理解,簡單來說為“誤差的容忍度”,他將會在你擬定的這個區間內跳轉,即為 [time-toleranceBefore, time+toleranceAfter] ,當然如果你傳 kCMTimeZero(在我當前的版本這個參數被被改為瞭,即為精確搜索,但是這會導致額外的解碼時間。


	let totalTime = self.avPlayer.currentItem?.duration
	let scale = self.avPlayer.currentItem?.duration.timescale
	//width:跳轉到的視頻軌長度 videoWidth:視頻軌總長度
 	let process = width / videoWidth
      //快進函數 CMTimeMake(value: Int64(totalTime * process * scale!), timescale: scale!), toleranceBefore:, toleranceAfter:



    	@method			addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval:queue:usingBlock:
    	@abstract		Requests invocation of a block during playback to report changing time.
    	@param			interval
    	  The interval of invocation of the block during normal playback, according to progress of the current time of the player.
    	@param			queue
    	  The serial queue onto which block should be enqueued.  If you pass NULL, the main queue (obtained using dispatch_get_main_queue()) will be used.  Passing a
    	  concurrent queue to this method will result in undefined behavior.
    	@param			block
    	  The block to be invoked periodically.
    	  An object conforming to the NSObject protocol.  You must retain this returned value as long as you want the time observer to be invoked by the player.
    	  Pass this object to -removeTimeObserver: to cancel time observation.
    	@discussion		The block is invoked periodically at the interval specified, interpreted according to the timeline of the current item.
    					The block is also invoked whenever time jumps and whenever playback starts or stops.
    					If the interval corresponds to a very short interval in real time, the player may invoke the block less frequently
    					than requested. Even so, the player will invoke the block sufficiently often for the client to update indications
    					of the current time appropriately in its end-user interface.
    					Each call to -addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval:queue:usingBlock: should be paired with a corresponding call to -removeTimeObserver:.
    					Releasing the observer object without a call to -removeTimeObserver: will result in undefined behavior.
    open func addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval interval: CMTime, queue: DispatchQueue?, using block: @escaping (CMTime) -> Void) -> Any

比較重要的一個參數是 interval: CMTime 這決定瞭代碼回調的間隔時間,同時如果你在這個回調裡改變視頻軌道的 frame 那麼這也會決定視頻軌道移動的流暢度


        self.avPlayer.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: CMTimeMake(value: 1, timescale: 120), queue: DispatchQueue.main) { [weak self](time) in


這個監聽方法和第三點中的快進方法會造成一個問題:當你拖動視頻軌道並且去快進的時候也會觸發這個回調於是就造成瞭 拖動視頻軌道 frame (改變 frame) -> 快進方法 -> 觸發回調 -> 改變 frame 這一個死循環。那麼就得添加判斷條件來不去觸發這個回調。


播放視頻是異步的,並且快進方法解碼視頻需要時間,所以就導致瞭在雙方聯動的過程中帶來的時間差。並且當你認為視頻已經快進完成的時候,想要去改變視頻軌道的位置,由於解碼帶來的時間,導致瞭在回調的時候會傳入幾個錯誤的時間,使得視頻軌道來回晃動。所以當前項目的做法是,回調時需要判斷將要改變的 frame 是否合法(是否過大、過小)



        @method         insertTimeRange:ofTrack:atTime:error:
        @abstract       Inserts a timeRange of a source track into a track of a composition.
        @param          timeRange
                        Specifies the timeRange of the track to be inserted.
        @param          track
                        Specifies the source track to be inserted. Only AVAssetTracks of AVURLAssets and AVCompositions are supported (AVCompositions starting in MacOS X 10.10 and iOS 8.0).
        @param          startTime
                        Specifies the time at which the inserted track is to be presented by the composition track. You may pass kCMTimeInvalid for startTime to indicate that the timeRange should be appended to the end of the track.
        @param          error
                        Describes failures that may be reported to the user, e.g. the asset that was selected for insertion in the composition is restricted by copy-protection.
        @result         A BOOL value indicating the success of the insertion.
          You provide a reference to an AVAssetTrack and the timeRange within it that you want to insert. You specify the start time in the target composition track at which the timeRange should be inserted.
          Note that the inserted track timeRange will be presented at its natural duration and rate. It can be scaled to a different duration (and presented at a different rate) via -scaleTimeRange:toDuration:.
    open func insertTimeRange(_ timeRange: CMTimeRange, of track: AVAssetTrack, at startTime: CMTime) throws


timeRange: CMTimeRange:指定要插入的視頻的時間范圍

track: AVAssetTrack:指定要插入的視頻軌道。僅支持AVURLAssets和AVCompositions的AvassetTrack(從MacOS X 10.10和iOS 8.0開始的AVCompositions)。

starTime: CMTime: 指定合成視頻插入的時間點。可以傳遞kCMTimeInvalid 參數,以指定視頻應附加到前一個視頻的末尾。


	let composition = AVMutableComposition()
    let videoTrack = composition.addMutableTrack(
                        withMediaType:, preferredTrackID: CMPersistentTrackID())
  	let audioTrack = composition.addMutableTrack(
                        withMediaType:, preferredTrackID: CMPersistentTrackID())

 	let asset = AVAsset.init(url: self.url)

	var insertTime: CMTime =

 	let timeScale = self.avPlayer.currentItem?.duration.timescale

	for clipsInfo in self.clipsInfoArr {
		let clipsDuration = Double(Float(clipsInfo.width) / self.videoWidth) * self.totalTime
		let startDuration = -Float(clipsInfo.offset) / self.perSecondLength

      	do {
           	try videoTrack?.insertTimeRange(CMTimeRangeMake(start: CMTimeMake(value: Int64(startDuration * Float(timeScale!)), timescale: timeScale!), duration:CMTimeMake(value: Int64(clipsDuration * Double(timeScale!)), timescale: timeScale!)), of: asset.tracks(withMediaType:[0], at: insertTime)
                } catch _ {}

		do {
         	try audioTrack?.insertTimeRange(CMTimeRangeMake(start: CMTimeMake(value: Int64(startDuration * Float(timeScale!)), timescale: timeScale!), duration:CMTimeMake(value: Int64(clipsDuration * Double(timeScale!)), timescale: timeScale!)), of: asset.tracks(withMediaType:[0], at: insertTime)
      		 } catch _ {}
   		insertTime = CMTimeAdd(insertTime, CMTimeMake(value: Int64(clipsDuration * Double(timeScale!)), timescale: timeScale!))

  		videoTrack?.preferredTransform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: CGFloat.pi / 2)

  		let documentsPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory,.userDomainMask,true)[0]

  		let destinationPath = documentsPath + "/mergeVideo-\(arc4random()%1000).mov"

end:通過這幾個 API 再加上交互的邏輯就能實現完整的剪輯功能啦!如果文中有不足的地方,歡迎指出!

到此這篇關於iOS基於AVFoundation 制作用於剪輯視頻項目的文章就介紹到這瞭,更多相關iOS AVFoundation 剪輯視頻內容請搜索WalkonNet以前的文章或繼續瀏覽下面的相關文章希望大傢以後多多支持WalkonNet!
