

紙面上有一枚一元錢的銀幣,你能在 CannyHough 的幫助下找到它的坐標方程嗎?


在這篇文章中我們使用 Canny 算法來檢測出紙面上銀幣的邊緣。

二、Canny 算法

Canny 可以用於拿到圖像中物體的邊緣,其步驟如下

  • 進行高斯平滑
  • 計算圖像梯度(記錄其強度、方向)
  • 進行非極大化抑制
  • 進行滯後邊緣跟蹤



class GaussianSmoothingNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super(GaussianSmoothingNet, self).__init__()

        filter_size = 5
        # shape為(1, 5), 方差為 1.0 的高斯濾波核
        generated_filters = gaussian(filter_size,std=1.0).reshape([1,filter_size]) 

        # GFH(V): gaussian filter of horizontal(vertical) 水平(豎直)方向的高斯濾波核
        self.GFH = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, kernel_size=(1,filter_size), padding=(0,filter_size//2))
        self.GFV = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, kernel_size=(filter_size,1), padding=(filter_size//2,0))

        # 設置 w 的值為 高斯平滑核, b 的值為 0.0
        init_parameter(self.GFH, generated_filters, np.array([0.0])) 
        init_parameter(self.GFV, generated_filters.T, np.array([0.0])) 

    def forward(self, img):
        img_r = img[:,0:1]  # 取出RGB三個通道的數據
        img_g = img[:,1:2]
        img_b = img[:,2:3]

        # 對圖片的三個通道進行水平、垂直濾波
        blurred_img_r = self.GFV(self.GFH(img_r))
        blurred_img_g = self.GFV(self.GFH(img_g))
        blurred_img_b = self.GFV(self.GFH(img_b))

        # 合並成一張圖
        blurred_img = torch.stack([blurred_img_r, blurred_img_g, blurred_img_b], dim=1)
        blurred_img = torch.stack([torch.squeeze(blurred_img)])

        return blurred_img




PAI = 3.1415926

class SobelFilterNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super(SobelFilterNet, self).__init__()
        sobel_filter = np.array([[-1, 0, 1],
                                 [-2, 0, 2],
                                 [-1, 0, 1]])
        self.SFH = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, kernel_size=sobel_filter.shape, padding=sobel_filter.shape[0]//2)
        self.SFV = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, kernel_size=sobel_filter.shape, padding=sobel_filter.shape[0]//2)

        init_parameter(self.SFH, sobel_filter, np.array([0.0]))
        init_parameter(self.SFV, sobel_filter.T, np.array([0.0]))

    def forward(self, img):
        img_r = img[:,0:1]
        img_g = img[:,1:2]
        img_b = img[:,2:3]

        # # SFH(V): sobel filter of horizontal(vertical) 水平(豎直)方向的Sobel濾波
        grad_r_x = self.SFH(img_r)  # 通道 R 的 x 方向梯度
        grad_r_y = self.SFV(img_r)
        grad_g_x = self.SFH(img_g)
        grad_g_y = self.SFV(img_g)
        grad_b_x = self.SFH(img_b)
        grad_b_y = self.SFV(img_b)

        # 計算強度(magnitude) 和 方向(orientation)
        magnitude_r = torch.sqrt(grad_r_x**2 + grad_r_y**2) # Gr^2 = Grx^2 + Gry^2
        magnitude_g = torch.sqrt(grad_g_x**2 + grad_g_y**2) 
        magnitude_b = torch.sqrt(grad_b_x**2 + grad_b_y**2)

        grad_magnitude = magnitude_r + magnitude_g + magnitude_b

        grad_y = grad_r_y + grad_g_y + grad_b_y
        grad_x = grad_r_x + grad_g_x + grad_b_x

        # tanθ = grad_y / grad_x 轉化為角度 (方向角)
        grad_orientation = (torch.atan2(grad_y, grad_x) * (180.0 / PAI)) 
        grad_orientation =  torch.round(grad_orientation / 45.0) * 45.0  # 轉化為 45 的倍數
        return grad_magnitude, grad_orientation





  • 將梯度強度矩陣grad_magnitude的每一點都作為中心像素點,與其同向或者反向的兩個相鄰點(共有8個)的梯度強度進行比較。
  • 若中心點的梯度小於這兩個方向上的梯度,則點中心的的梯度值設為0


class NonMaxSupression(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super(NonMaxSupression, self).__init__()

        all_orient_magnitude = np.stack([filter_0, filter_45, filter_90, filter_135, filter_180, filter_225, filter_270, filter_315])
        self.directional_filter = nn.Conv2d(1, 8, kernel_size=filter_0.shape, padding=filter_0.shape[-1] // 2)

        init_parameter(self.directional_filter, all_filters[:, None, ...], np.zeros(shape=(all_filters.shape[0],)))

    def forward(self, grad_magnitude, grad_orientation):

        all_orient_magnitude = self.directional_filter(grad_magnitude)     # 當前點梯度分別與其其他8個方向鄰域點做差(相當於二階梯度)

                \ 3|2 /
                 \ | /
            4     \|/    1
            5     /|\    8
                 / | \ 
                / 6|7 \ 
        註: 各個區域都是45度

        positive_orient = (grad_orientation / 45) % 8             # 設置正方向的類型,一共有八種不同類型的方向
        negative_orient = ((grad_orientation / 45) + 4) % 8       # +4 = 4 * 45 = 180 即旋轉180度(如 1 -(+4)-> 5)

        height = positive_orient.size()[2]                        # 得到圖片的寬高
        width = positive_orient.size()[3]
        pixel_count = height * width                                # 計算圖片所有的像素點數
        pixel_offset = torch.FloatTensor([range(pixel_count)])

        position = (positive_orient.view(-1).data * pixel_count + pixel_offset).squeeze() # 角度 * 像素數 + 像素所在位置

        # 拿到圖像中所有點與其正向鄰域點的梯度的梯度(當前點梯度 - 正向鄰域點梯度,根據其值與0的大小判斷當前點是不是鄰域內最大的)
        channel_select_filtered_positive = all_orient_magnitude.view(-1)[position.long()].view(1, height, width)

        position = (negative_orient.view(-1).data * pixel_count + pixel_offset).squeeze()

        # 拿到圖像中所有點與其反向鄰域點的梯度的梯度
        channel_select_filtered_negative = all_orient_magnitude.view(-1)[position.long()].view(1, height, width)

        # 組合成兩個通道
        channel_select_filtered = torch.stack([channel_select_filtered_positive, channel_select_filtered_negative])

        is_max = channel_select_filtered.min(dim=0)[0] > 0.0 # 如果min{當前梯度-正向點梯度, 當前梯度-反向點梯度} > 0,則當前梯度最大
        is_max = torch.unsqueeze(is_max, dim=0)

        thin_edges = grad_magnitude.clone()
        thin_edges[is_max==0] = 0.0

        return thin_edges


# 輸入
tensor([[[[1., 1., 1.],   
          [1., 1., 1.],   
          [1., 1., 1.]]]])
# 輸出
tensor([[[[0., 0., 1.], 
          [0., 0., 1.], 
          [0., 0., 1.]],

         [[0., 0., 1.], 
          [0., 0., 1.], 
          [1., 1., 1.]],

         [[0., 0., 0.], 
          [0., 0., 0.], 
          [1., 1., 1.]],

         [[1., 0., 0.], 
          [1., 0., 0.], 
          [1., 1., 1.]],

         [[1., 0., 0.], 
          [1., 0., 0.], 
          [1., 0., 0.]],

         [[1., 1., 1.], 
          [1., 0., 0.], 
          [1., 0., 0.]],

         [[1., 1., 1.], 
          [0., 0., 0.], 
          [0., 0., 0.]],

         [[1., 1., 1.],
          [0., 0., 1.],
          [0., 0., 1.]]]], grad_fn=<ThnnConv2DBackward0>)


根據梯度的強度和方向,將方向分成8個類別(即對於每一點有八個可能方向),如上代碼中 "米" 型圖所示。


梯度方向grad_orientation: 0, 1,, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (共有8哥方向)

各方向梯度強度all_orient_magnitude: [[..方向0的梯度..], [..方向1的梯度..], ..., [..方向7的梯度..]]

故對於方向為 i 的點,其在梯度強度中的位置為 all_orient_magnitude[i][x, y],將all_orient_magnitude變化為一維向量後,對應的位置為position = current_orient × pixel_count + pixel_offset,我們就可以根據這個位置信息拿到當前點與其正向鄰域點梯度強度之差(同理也可以拿到反向的)。






  • 如果圖像中有噪聲,可能會出現邊緣無關的點(偽邊)
  • 邊緣點時陰時明


  • 設定兩個閾值(一高一低),將梯度強度小於低閾值的像素點的梯度強度設為0,得到圖像A
  • 將梯度強度小於高閾值的像素點的梯度強度設為0,得到圖像B



to_bw = lambda image: (image > 0.0).astype(float)

class HysteresisThresholding(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, low_threshold=1.0, high_threshold=3.0) -> None:
        super(HysteresisThresholding, self).__init__()
        self.low_threshold = low_threshold
        self.high_threshold = high_threshold

    def thresholding(self, low_thresh: torch.Tensor, high_thresh: torch.Tensor):
        died = torch.zeros_like(low_thresh).squeeze()
        low_thresh = low_thresh.squeeze()
        final_image = high_thresh.squeeze().clone()

        height = final_image.shape[0] - 1 
        width = final_image.shape[1] - 1

        def connected(x, y, gap = 1):
            right = x + gap
            bottom = y + gap
            left = x - gap
            top = y - gap

            if left < 0 or top < 0 or right >= width or bottom >= height:
                return False
            return final_image[top, left] > 0  or final_image[top, x] > 0 or final_image[top, right] > 0 \
                or final_image[y, left] > 0 or final_image[y, right] > 0 \
                or final_image[bottom, left] > 0 or final_image[bottom, x] > 0 or final_image[bottom, right] > 0

        # 先高再寬
        def trace(x:int, y:int):
            right = x + 1
            bottom = y + 1
            left = x - 1
            top = y - 1
            if left < 0 or top < 0 or right >= width or bottom >= height or died[y, x] or final_image[y, x] > 0:

            pass_high = final_image[y, x] > 0.0
            pass_low = low_thresh[y, x] > 0.0

            died[y, x] = True

            if pass_high:
                died[y, x] = False
            elif pass_low and not pass_high:
                if connected(x, y) or connected(x, y, 2): # 如果其他方向有連接
                    final_image[y, x] = low_thresh[y, x]
                    died[y, x] = False
            # 往回
            if final_image[y, x] > 0.0: # 當前點有連接
                if low_thresh[top, left] > 0: trace(left, top)
                if low_thresh[top, x] > 0: trace(x, top)    
                if low_thresh[top, right] > 0: trace(right, top)
                if low_thresh[y, left] > 0: trace(left, y)
                if low_thresh[bottom, left] > 0: trace(left, bottom)

            # 往下
            trace(right, y)
            trace(x, bottom)
            trace(right, bottom)
        for i in range(width):
            for j in range(height):
                trace(i, j)

        final_image = final_image.unsqueeze(dim=0).unsqueeze(dim=0)

        return final_image

    def forward(self, thin_edges, grad_magnitude, grad_orientation):
        low_thresholded: torch.Tensor = thin_edges.clone()
        low_thresholded[thin_edges<self.low_threshold] = 0.0

        high_threshold: torch.Tensor = thin_edges.clone()
        high_threshold[thin_edges<self.high_threshold] = 0.0

        final_thresholded = self.thresholding(low_thresholded, high_threshold)

        return low_thresholded, high_threshold, final_thresholded





以上就是Python利用Canny算法檢測硬幣邊緣的詳細內容,更多關於Python Canny檢測邊緣的資料請關註WalkonNet其它相關文章!
