文章中主要涉及的方法是Python中的open(filename, ‘r’)以讀的方式打開文件open(filename, ‘w’)以寫的方式打開文件我們用for * in *讀取文件中的數據或者寫入文件數據 用dict(eval(list2))方法來把字符串轉化為字典。
import math import re def main(): # 主函數 select = True while (select): menu() start_int = input("請選擇你您想要操作功能的序號:") if start_int == "12": select = False print("你已經退出系統歡迎下次在來") elif start_int == "4": insert() elif start_int == "5": login() elif start_int == "6": show() elif start_int == "11": delete() elif start_int == "7": revise() elif start_int == "8": deposit() elif start_int == "9": getMoney() elif start_int == "10": UseMoney() def menu(): # 菜單顯示 print("1========銀行存取錢系統========") print("2===========================") print("3===========功能菜單===========") print("4=========註冊個人信息==========") print("5============登入=============") print("6=========查詢個人信息==========") print("7=========修改個人賬戶==========") print("8============存錢=============") print("9============取錢=============") print("10=========顯示年收益==========") print("11========註銷個人信息==========") print("12===========退出=============") filename = "Bank.txt" # 定義保存用戶信息的文件名 def save(Bank): # 創建文件方法 try: Bank_txt = open(filename, "a") except Exception as e: Bank_txt = open(filename, "w") for info in Bank: Bank_txt.write(str(info) + "\n") Bank_txt.close() def insert(): # 註冊方法 BankList = [] # 保存用戶信息列表 mark = True # 是否繼續添加 while mark: id = input("請輸入您的ID密碼(如1001):") if not id: break name = input("請輸入姓名") if not name: break try: deposit = int(input("輸入你要存款的金額")) if deposit == 0: break except: print("輸入無效,不是輸入整型數,請重新輸入") continue Bank = {"id": id, "name": name, "deposit": deposit} BankList.append(Bank) mark = False save(BankList) print("註冊成功") global g_select g_select = 0 global Username global Userpassword def login(): # 登入方法 global Username global g_select global g_BankQuery global Userpassword g_BankQuery = [] Username = str(input("請輸入您的用戶名")) Userpassword = str(input("請輸入您的密碼")) file = open(filename, 'r') Bank = file.readlines() # 讀取全部內容 for list in Bank: d = dict(eval(list)) # 字符轉化為字典 if d['name'] == Username and d['id'] == Userpassword: g_BankQuery.append(d) print("登入成功!") g_select = 1 else: pass if not g_BankQuery: g_select = 0 print("登入失敗請先註冊!") else: pass def show(): # 查詢個人信息 if g_select == 1: format_title = "{:^6}{:^12}" print(format_title.format("名字", "存款")) format_date = "{:^6}{:^12}" for info in g_BankQuery: print(format_date.format(str(info.get('name')), str(info.get('deposit')))) else: print("請先登入!") def delete(): # 刪除個人賬戶方法 global g_BankQuery cz = [] global g_select choose = 0 if g_select == 1: while choose < 3: username = str(input("請輸入你姓名")) userpassword = str(input("請輸入您的密碼")) file = open(filename, 'r') Bank = file.readlines() # 讀取全部內容 for list in Bank: d = dict(eval(list)) # 字符轉化為字典 if d['name'] == username and d['id'] == userpassword: cz.append(d) file.close() choose = 3 NewBank = open(filename, 'w') # 以寫的方式打開文件 for list2 in Bank: d2 = dict(eval(list2)) # 字符轉化為字典 if d2['name'] != username and d2['id'] != userpassword: NewBank.write(str(d2) + "\n") else: pass else: pass if not cz: choose = choose + 1 if choose == 3: g_select = 0 print("請重新登入!") else: print("用戶名或者密碼錯誤,請重新輸入你還有:" + str(3 - choose) + "機會") else: g_BankQuery.clear() g_select = 0 print("您的個人信息已經註銷") else: print("請先登入!") def revise(): # 修改個人賬戶方法 cz = [] global g_select if g_select == 1: username = input("請輸入您的用戶名:") userpassword = input("請輸入您的密碼:") file = open(filename, 'r') Bank = file.readlines() # 讀取全部內容 for list in Bank: d = dict(eval(list)) # 字符轉化為字典 if d['name'] == username and d['id'] == userpassword: cz.append(d) file.close() NewBank = open(filename, 'w') # 以寫的方式打開文件 for list2 in Bank: d2 = dict(eval(list2)) # 字符轉化為字典 if d2['name'] == username and d2['id'] == userpassword: d2['name'] = input("輸入您的新名字:") d2['id'] = input("輸入您的新密碼:") NewBank.write(str(d2) + "\n") print("修改成功,請重新登入!") g_select = 0 else: NewBank.write(str(d2) + "\n") else: pass if not cz: print("你輸入的密碼或者用戶名有誤請重新登入") g_select = 0 else: pass else: print("請先登入!") def deposit(): # 存錢方法 global g_BankQuery global g_select cz = [] if g_select == 1: money = int(input("請輸入你要存多少錢:")) file = open(filename, 'r') Bank = file.readlines() # 讀取全部內容 for list in Bank: d = dict(eval(list)) # 字符轉化為字典 if d['name'] == Username and d['id'] == Userpassword: cz.append(d) file.close() NewBank = open(filename, 'w') # 以寫的方式打開文件 for list2 in Bank: d2 = dict(eval(list2)) # 字符轉化為字典 if d2['name'] == Username and d2['id'] == Userpassword: d2['deposit'] = str(int(d2['deposit']) + money) NewBank.write(str(d2) + "\n") print("儲存成功!") g_BankQuery.clear() g_BankQuery.append(d2) else: NewBank.write(str(d2) + "\n") else: pass else: print("請先登入!") def getMoney(): # 取錢方法 global g_select global g_BankQuery cz = [] if g_select == 1: money = int(input("請輸入你要取多少錢:")) file = open(filename, 'r') Bank = file.readlines() # 讀取全部內容 for list in Bank: d = dict(eval(list)) # 字符轉化為字典 if d['name'] == Username and d['id'] == Userpassword: cz.append(d) if money > int(d['deposit']): print("您的餘額不足") else: file.close() NewBank = open(filename, 'w') # 以寫的方式打開文件 for list2 in Bank: d2 = dict(eval(list2)) # 字符轉化為字典 if d2['name'] == Username and d2['id'] == Userpassword: d2['deposit'] = str(int(d2['deposit']) - money) NewBank.write(str(d2) + "\n") print("取錢成功!") g_BankQuery.clear() g_BankQuery.append(d2) else: NewBank.write(str(d2) + "\n") else: pass else: print("請先登入!") def UseMoney(): # 利息計算 UM = True while UM: try: money = float(input("請輸入你要投資理財多少錢:")) year = int(input("請你輸入你要儲存多少年:")) except: print("請你輸入整數年份!") if 0 < year <= 3: profitmargin = 0.03 elif 3 < year <= 5: profitmargin = 0.04 elif 5 < year <= 10: profitmargin = 0.06 elif year > 10: profitmargin = 0.08 if money < 0 or year <= 0: print("您的本金不能少於0元或者年份不能少於0年") else: UM = False profit = round(money * year * profitmargin, 3) print("你儲存:" + str(year) + "年將獲得的利潤會等於:" + str(profit) + "元本金加利潤會等於:" + str(profit + money) + "元") if __name__ =="__main__":