C++ Opencv實現錄制九宮格視頻
#include<iostream> #include<opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include<string.h> using namespace std; using namespace cv;
Mat frame; Mat newframe; string outputVideoPath = "F:\\C++language\\robocon.avi"; VideoCapture capture(0); int frame_width = capture.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH); int frame_height = capture.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT); VideoWriter writer;
int num = 3;//原圖片長寬皆被劃分為三份,共劃分成九份 int stepwidth;//劃分後單個圖片的寬度 int stepheight;//劃分後的那個圖片的高度 int space = 5;//九宮格中每張圖片的間隔
capture >> frame; stepwidth = frame.cols / num; stepheight = frame.rows / num; resize(frame, frame, Size(stepwidth * num, stepheight * num), 1, 1, INTER_LINEAR); newframe = Mat(Size(frame.cols + (num - 1) * space, frame.rows + (num - 1) * space), CV_8UC3, Scalar(255, 255, 255));//新畫佈的生成 writer.open(outputVideoPath, cv::VideoWriter::fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'), 10, Size(frame.cols + (num - 1) * space, frame.rows + (num - 1) * space)); if (!capture.isOpened()) { cout << "The camera cannot be opened" << endl; } if (!writer.isOpened()) { cout << "The video cannot be saved" << endl; }
int count = 1; while (count <= 60) { capture >> frame; stepwidth = frame.cols / num; stepheight = frame.rows / num; resize(frame, frame, Size(stepwidth * num, stepheight * num), 1, 1, INTER_LINEAR); Mat newframe = Mat(Size(frame.cols + (num - 1) * space, frame.rows + (num - 1) * space), CV_8UC3, Scalar(255, 255, 255)); int i = 0; int j = 0; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { for (j=0; j < num; j++) { int x = stepwidth * j; int y = stepheight * i; frame(Rect(x, y, stepwidth, stepheight)).copyTo(newframe(Rect(x + space * j, y + space * i, stepwidth, stepheight))); } } imshow("output", newframe); waitKey(100); writer << newframe; count += 1; } }
#include <iostream> #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> using namespace cv; using namespace std; Mat img = imread("C:\\picture\\aa.jpg"); int m = img.cols;//寬 int n = img.rows;//高 cv::Mat combine = cv::Mat::zeros(m, n, img.type()); Mat imgROI1 = combine(Rect(0, 0, m / 3, n / 3)); Mat imgROI2 = combine(Rect(m / 3, 0, m / 3, n / 3)); Mat imgROI3 = combine(Rect(m / 3 * 2, 0, m / 3, n / 3)); Mat imgROI4 = combine(Rect(0, n / 3, m / 3, n / 3)); Mat imgROI5 = combine(Rect(m / 3, n / 3, m / 3, n / 3)); Mat imgROI6 = combine(Rect(m / 3 * 2, n / 3, m / 3, n / 3)); Mat imgROI7 = combine(Rect(0, n / 3 * 2, m / 3, n / 3)); Mat imgROI8 = combine(Rect(m / 3, n / 3 * 2, m / 3, n / 3)); Mat imgROI9 = combine(Rect(m / 3 * 2, n / 3 * 2, m / 3, n / 3)); Mat a[10]; Mat imge[10]; int t = 0; int first; int second; Mat temp; int f(int xx, int yy); void onMouseHandle(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void *param); int main() { //分割圖像rect() imge[1] = img(Rect(0, 0, m / 3, n / 3)); imge[2] = img(Rect(m / 3, 0, m / 3, n / 3)); imge[3] = img(Rect(m / 3 * 2, 0, m / 3, n / 3)); imge[4] = img(Rect(0, n / 3, m / 3, n / 3)); imge[5] = img(Rect(m / 3, n / 3, m / 3, n / 3)); imge[6] = img(Rect(m / 3 * 2, n / 3, m / 3, n / 3)); imge[7] = img(Rect(0, n / 3 * 2, m / 3, n / 3)); imge[8] = img(Rect(m / 3, n / 3 * 2, m / 3, n / 3)); imge[9] = img(Rect(m / 3 * 2, n / 3 * 2, m / 3, n / 3)); //生成隨機數 int i, j; int b[10];//存儲獲取到的隨機數。 int f[10] = { 0 };//存儲是否獲取到過。 int nx = 1; //計數器。 srand((unsigned)time(NULL));//設置隨機數種子。 while (nx < 10) { int my = rand() % 10; //獲取一個0~9的隨機數。 if (f[my]||my==0) continue;//該數之前已經獲取到過。 b[nx++] = my;//將該數存入數組。 f[my] = 1;//標記該數已經獲取過。 } for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { a[i] = imge[b[i]]; } namedWindow("九宮格"); resize(a[1], imgROI1, imgROI1.size()); resize(a[2], imgROI2, imgROI2.size()); resize(a[3], imgROI3, imgROI3.size()); resize(a[4], imgROI4, imgROI4.size()); resize(a[5], imgROI5, imgROI5.size()); resize(a[6], imgROI6, imgROI6.size()); resize(a[7], imgROI7, imgROI7.size()); resize(a[8], imgROI8, imgROI8.size()); resize(a[9], imgROI9, imgROI9.size()); imshow("九宮格", combine); setMouseCallback("九宮格", onMouseHandle, (void*)&combine); // 等待6000 ms後窗口自動關閉 waitKey(0); return 0; } int f(int xx, int yy) { int s; if (xx + yy == 2) { s = 1; } if (xx + yy == 3 && xx > yy) { s = 2; } if (xx + yy == 4 && xx > yy) { s = 3; } if (xx + yy == 3 && xx < yy) { s = 4; } if (xx + yy == 4 && xx == yy) { s = 5; } if (xx + yy == 5 && xx > yy) { s = 6; } if (xx + yy == 4 && xx < yy) { s = 7; } if (xx + yy == 5 && xx < yy) { s = 8; } if (xx + yy == 6) { s = 9; } return s; } void onMouseHandle(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void *param) { int xx ; int yy ; switch (event) { case CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN ://左鍵單擊 { xx = x / (m / 3) + 1; yy = y / (n / 3) + 1; ++t; if (t % 2 == 1) { first = f(xx, yy); } if (t % 2 == 0) { second = f(xx, yy); if (second == first + 3 || second == first - 3 || second == first + 1 || second == first - 1) { temp = a[first]; a[first] = a[second]; a[second] = temp; resize(a[1], imgROI1, imgROI1.size()); resize(a[2], imgROI2, imgROI2.size()); resize(a[3], imgROI3, imgROI3.size()); resize(a[4], imgROI4, imgROI4.size()); resize(a[5], imgROI5, imgROI5.size()); resize(a[6], imgROI6, imgROI6.size()); resize(a[7], imgROI7, imgROI7.size()); resize(a[8], imgROI8, imgROI8.size()); resize(a[9], imgROI9, imgROI9.size()); } } imshow("九宮格", combine); } break; default: break; } }
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