本系統要有通用性、界面美觀、操作方便。要考慮系統安全。 可增加其他有用的功能。
#pragma once #include <stdio.h> #include "struct.h" void color1();//背景顏色 void changecolor1();//修改背景顏色 void registers();//登錄,驗證密碼 void showroomtype();//顯示房間類型 void inquirevacant();//查詢選擇的房間是否有空房,並輸出查詢結果。 void interface();//顯示界面 Room* readroom();//從文件裡面讀出來room放到鏈表裡面 void saveroom();//保存文件信息 void emptyroom();//清空一個房間 void inputroom();//填寫一個房間 Order* exploitorderhead();//開辟一個訂單頭 void chooseroomtype();//選擇房間類型 int judgeid();//判斷身份證號碼是否符合要求 int judgephone();//判斷電話號是否符合要求11位全數字 void openroom();//開房 void saveorder();//保存訂單 Order* readorder();//讀取訂單 int Check_date1();//檢驗日期是否合法 int Check_date2();//檢驗日期是否合法 void deletedisabledorder();//刪除失效訂單 int Check_date3();//檢驗日期是否合法 void checkchar();//將字符串後面的\n去掉 void checkchar1();//將字符串後面加上\n void changeorder();//修改訂單 void deleteorder();//刪除訂單 void changeKEY();//修改密碼 void search2();//查詢訂單 void search1();//查詢房間 void statistics();//統計訂單 int time_1();// 檢查訂單時間是否大於輸入時間 int Check_date4(); void read_();//讀取數據 void backups();//備份 int FindSubstring();//查詢字串
#pragma once typedef struct costomer { char name[40]; char idcard[20]; char phonenumber[20]; }Costomer; typedef struct room { char roomnumber[10]; char type[10]; int flag; Costomer u; struct room* rnext; }Room; typedef struct order { Room* room_; int hour[2]; int day[2]; int mon[2]; int year[2]; struct order* onext; }Order; typedef struct administrator { char username[20]; char password[20]; }Administrator;
#include "function.h" #include <stdlib.h > #include "struct.h" #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> extern Room* rhead; extern Order* ohead; void registers() { time_t timep; struct tm* p; time(&timep); p = gmtime(&timep); char s[15], c[15]; FILE* fp = fopen("password.txt", "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Failed to open file"); } fgets(s, 14, fp);//讀出文件中的密碼 fclose(fp); color1();//根據之前修改的顏色更新系統顏色 printf("\n請輸入登錄密碼:"); gets(c); while (strcmp(c, s) != 0) { //判斷密碼是否正確,不正確的話重新輸入。 printf("\n密碼錯誤請重試"); gets(c); } if (strcmp(c, s) == 0) { read_(); while (1) { system("cls");//清空界面 color1();//根據之前修改的顏色更新系統顏色 printf("\n\n\n\n"); printf(" ***********************************************\n"); printf(" ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^\n"); printf(" ***********************************************\n"); printf("_______________________________________________\n"); printf("┃ ┃\n"); printf("┃ 酒店預約管理系統 ┃\n"); printf("┃ 歡迎來到白山黑水酒店! ┃\n"); printf("┃ 現在是%d年", 1900 + p->tm_year);/*獲取當前年份,從知1900開始,所以要加1900*/ printf("%d月", 1 + p->tm_mon);/*獲取當前月份,范圍是0-11,所以要加1*/ printf("%d日", p->tm_mday);/*獲取當前月份日數,范圍是1-31*/ printf("%d時", 8 + p->tm_hour);/*獲取當前時,這裡獲取西方的時百間,剛好相差八個度小時*/ printf(" ┃\n"); printf("┃ ┃\n"); printf("┃ ┃\n"); printf("┃____________________________________________┃\n"); printf("***********************************************\n"); printf("***********************************************\n"); printf("** 1.客戶入住信息登記 **\n"); printf("** 2.修改背景顏色 **\n"); printf("** 3.修改密碼 **\n"); printf("** 4.查詢信息 **\n"); printf("** 5.修改訂單信息 **\n"); printf("** 6.刪除訂單 **\n"); printf("** 7.統計信息 **\n"); printf("** 8.備份 **\n"); printf("** 9.退出並保存 **\n"); printf("***********************************************\n"); printf("***********************************************\n"); printf("***********************************************\n"); printf("^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^\n"); printf("***********************************************\n"); printf(" 選擇操作:"); int m; char t[20]; scanf("%d", &m); while (m < 1 || m>9) { printf("\n請按要求輸入"); scanf("%d", &m); } if (m== 9) { saveorder(); saveroom(); } switch (m) { case 1: { chooseroomtype(); break; } case 2: {changecolor1(); break; } case 3:changeKEY(); break; case 4: { {system("cls"); printf("選擇查詢類別:\n"); printf("1.查詢房間信息\n"); printf("2.查詢訂單信息\n"); printf("輸入選項:"); gets(t); while ((strcmp(t, "1") != 0) && (strcmp(t, "2") != 0)) { printf("\n請按要求輸入\n"); gets(t); fflush(stdin); } if ((strcmp(t, "1") == 0))search1();//查詢房間 if ((strcmp(t, "2") == 0))search2();//查詢訂單 }; break; } case 5: {changeorder(); break; } case 6: {deleteorder(); break; } case 7: {statistics(); break; } case 8: {backups(); break; } case 9: {exit(0); break; } } } } } Room* readroom()//從文件裡面讀出來room放到鏈表裡面 { FILE* fp = NULL; char ch; Room* rhead; rhead = (Room*)malloc(sizeof(Room)); if (rhead != NULL) { rhead->rnext = NULL; } Room* p = rhead; Room* q = rhead; if ((fp = fopen("room.txt", "r+")) == NULL) { printf("can't open the file\n"); system("pause"); return NULL; } while (!feof(fp)) { p = (Room*)malloc(sizeof(Room)); fgets(p->roomnumber, 20, fp);//讀進來的還有換行符 //printf("%s\n",p->roomnumber); fgets(p->type, 20, fp);//讀進來的還有換行符 //printf("%s\n",p->type); fscanf(fp, "%d", &(p->flag)); //printf("%d\n",p->flag); ch = fgetc(fp); ch = fgetc(fp); q->rnext = p; q = p; } q->rnext = NULL; fclose(fp); return rhead;//返回指針的頭 } void saveroom() { FILE* fp = NULL; Room* p = rhead->rnext; if ((fp = fopen("room.txt", "w")) == NULL) { printf("can't open the room file\n"); system("pause"); } while (p != NULL) { fputs(p->roomnumber, fp); fputs(p->type, fp); fprintf(fp, "%d", p->flag); fputc('\n', fp); if (p->rnext != NULL)fputc('\n', fp); p = p->rnext; } fclose(fp); } void emptyroom(char roomnumber_[10])//清空一個房間 { Room* p = rhead->rnext; while (p != NULL) { if (strcmp(roomnumber_, p->roomnumber) == 0) { p->flag = 0; break; } p = p->rnext; } } int judgeid(char t[]) { int flag = 0; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { if (i <= 16) if (t[i] < '9' && t[i]>'0')flag = 0; else flag = 1; if (i == 17) if (t[i] == 'X' || (t[i] < '9' && t[i]>'0')) flag = 0; else flag = 1; } return flag;//身份證號碼符合規則的話返回0,else返回1. } int judgephone(char t[]) { int flag = 0; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) { if (t[i] <= '9' && t[i] >= '0')flag = 0; else flag = 1; } return flag;//電話號符合規則的話返回0,else返回1. } Order* exploitorderhead() { ohead = (Order*)malloc(sizeof(Order)); if (ohead != NULL) { ohead->onext = NULL; return ohead; } else printf("開辟訂單頭失敗\n"); } void chooseroomtype() { char c[20]; char choice[10]; while (1) { system("cls"); printf("房間類型:\n"); printf("1.single\n"); printf("2.double\n"); printf("3.triple\n"); printf("4.four\n"); printf("5.返回上一層\n"); printf("請輸入你的選擇:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(c); while ((strcmp(c, "1") != 0) && (strcmp(c, "2") != 0) && (strcmp(c, "3") != 0) && (strcmp(c, "4") != 0) && (strcmp(c, "5") != 0)) { printf("選擇有誤,請重新輸入:"); gets(c); } { if (strcmp(c, "1") == 0) { strcpy(choice, "single\n"); openroom(choice); } if (strcmp(c, "2") == 0) { strcpy(choice, "double\n"); openroom(choice); } if (strcmp(c, "3") == 0) { strcpy(choice, "triple\n"); openroom(choice); } if (strcmp(c, "4") == 0) { strcpy(choice, "four\n"); openroom(choice); } if (strcmp(c, "5") == 0) { break; system("pause"); } } } } void inquirevacant(char c[]) { int flag1 = 0, flag2 = 0, flag3 = 0, flag4 = 0; Room* p = rhead; while (p != NULL) { if (p->flag == 0) { if (strcmp(p->type, "single\n") == 0) flag1++; if (strcmp(p->type, "double\n") == 0) flag2++; if (strcmp(p->type, "triple\n") == 0) flag3++; if (strcmp(p->type, "four\n") == 0) flag4++; } p = p->rnext; } if (strcmp(c, "single\n") == 0) { if (flag1 >= 1) { printf("房間類型選擇成功\n"); openroom(c); } else { printf("抱歉,該類房間沒有空房,請重新選擇"); system("pause"); system("cls"); chooseroomtype(); } } if (strcmp(c, "double\n") == 0) { if (flag2 >= 1) { printf("房間類型選擇成功\n"); openroom(c); } else { printf("抱歉,該類房間沒有空房,請重新選擇"); system("pause"); system("cls"); chooseroomtype(); } } if (strcmp(c, "triple\n") == 0) { if (flag3 >= 1) { printf("房間類型選擇成功\n"); openroom(c); } else { printf("抱歉,該類房間沒有空房,請重新選擇"); system("pause"); system("cls"); chooseroomtype(); } } if (strcmp(c, "four\n") == 0) { if (flag4 >= 1) { printf("房間類型選擇成功\n"); openroom(c); } else { printf("抱歉,該類房間沒有空房,請重新選擇"); system("pause"); system("cls"); chooseroomtype(); } } } void openroom(char t[]) { Room* p = rhead; Order* op = ohead; while (op->onext != NULL) { op = op->onext; }//找到指針末尾。 Order* oop = (Order*)malloc(sizeof(Order)); op->onext = oop; oop->onext = NULL; char id[40]; char phonenumber_[20]; while (p != NULL) { if (p->flag == 0 && strcmp(p->type, t) == 0) { p->flag = 1; oop->room_ = p; printf("請輸入房主姓名:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); scanf("%s", p->u.name); checkchar1(p->u.name);//加上\n方便以後判斷 printf("請輸入18位的身份證號碼:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); scanf("%s", id); while (strlen(id) != 18 || judgeid(id) != 0) {//判斷身份證號是否符合規則。 printf("身份證號碼格式有誤,請重新輸入:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); scanf("%s", id); } checkchar1(id);//加上\n方便以後判斷 strcpy(p->u.idcard, id); printf("請輸入11位電話號:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); scanf("%s", phonenumber_); while (strlen(phonenumber_) != 11 || judgephone(phonenumber_) != 0) {//判斷電話號號是否符合規則。 printf("電話號不符合要求,請重新輸入:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); scanf("%s", phonenumber_); } checkchar1(phonenumber_);//加上\n方便以後判斷 strcpy(p->u.phonenumber, phonenumber_); printf("請輸入入住時間:年月日時(24時)中間請用/隔開:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); while ((scanf("%d/%d/%d/%d", &oop->year[0], &oop->mon[0], &oop->day[0], &oop->hour[0])) != 4 || Check_date1(oop->year, oop->mon, oop->day, oop->hour) != 0) {//判斷日期是否大於當前日期 printf("日期輸入有誤,"); printf("請重新輸入入住時間:年月日時(24時)中間請用/隔開:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); } printf("請輸入離開時間:年月日時(24時)中間請用/隔開:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); while ((scanf("%d/%d/%d/%d", &oop->year[1], &oop->mon[1], &oop->day[1], &oop->hour[1])) != 4 || Check_date2(oop->year, oop->mon, oop->day, oop->hour) != 0) {//判斷離開日期是否入住當前日期 printf("日期輸入有誤,"); printf("請重新輸入離開時間:年月日時(24時)中間請用/隔開:"); } printf("您的房間號碼:%s", p->roomnumber); printf("創建訂單成功\n"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); break; } p = p->rnext; } system("pause"); } void showroomtype() { system("cls"); printf("房間類型:\n"); printf("1.single\n"); printf("2.double\n"); printf("3.triple\n"); printf("4.four\n"); } void saveorder() { FILE* fp = NULL; if ((fp = fopen("order.txt", "w")) == NULL) { printf("can't built the order file\n"); system("pause"); } Order* p = ohead->onext; while (p != NULL) { fputs(p->room_->roomnumber, fp);//連換行符一起保存 fputs(p->room_->type, fp);//連換行符一起保存 fputs(p->room_->u.name, fp);//連換行符一起保存 fputs(p->room_->u.idcard, fp);//連換行符一起保存 fputs(p->room_->u.phonenumber, fp);//連換行符一起保存 fprintf(fp, "%d", p->year[0]); fputc('/', fp); fprintf(fp, "%d", p->mon[0]); fputc('/', fp); fprintf(fp, "%d", p->day[0]); fputc('/', fp); fprintf(fp, "%d", p->hour[0]); fputc('\n', fp); fprintf(fp, "%d", p->year[1]); fputc('/', fp); fprintf(fp, "%d", p->mon[1]); fputc('/', fp); fprintf(fp, "%d", p->day[1]); fputc('/', fp); fprintf(fp, "%d", p->hour[1]); fputc('\n', fp); if (p->onext != NULL)fputc('\n', fp); p = p->onext; } fclose(fp); } Order* readorder() { FILE* fp = NULL; char ch; Order* ohead = exploitorderhead(); Order* p = ohead; Order* q = ohead; Room* u; if ((fp = fopen("order.txt", "r+")) == NULL) { printf("can't open the file\n"); system("pause"); return NULL; } ch = fgetc(fp); if (!feof(fp)) { rewind(fp); while (!feof(fp)) { p = (Order*)malloc(sizeof(Order)); u = (Room*)malloc(sizeof(Room)); p->room_ = u; fgets(p->room_->roomnumber, 40, fp);//讀進來的還有換行符 fgets(p->room_->type, 10, fp);//讀進來的還有換行符 fgets(p->room_->u.name, 40, fp);//讀進來的還有換行符 fgets(p->room_->u.idcard, 20, fp);//讀進來的還有換行符 fgets(p->room_->u.phonenumber, 20, fp);//讀進來的還有換行符 fscanf(fp, "%d/%d/%d/%d", &p->year[0], &p->mon[0], &p->day[0], &p->hour[0]); ch = fgetc(fp); fscanf(fp, "%d/%d/%d/%d", &p->year[1], &p->mon[1], &p->day[1], &p->hour[1]); ch = fgetc(fp); ch = fgetc(fp); q->onext = p; q = p; } } q->onext = NULL; fclose(fp); return ohead; } int Check_date1(int year_[2], int month_[2], int date_[2], int hour_[2]) { int flag = 0; time_t timep; struct tm* p; time(&timep); p = gmtime(&timep); /*printf("%d\n", p->tm_sec); 獲取當前秒 printf("%d\n", p->tm_min);獲取當前分 printf("%d\n", 8 + p->tm_hour);獲取當前時,這裡獲取西方的時間,剛好相差八個小時 printf("%d\n", p->tm_mday);獲取當前月份日數,范圍是1-31 printf("%d\n", 1 + p->tm_mon);獲取當前月份,范圍是0-11,所以要加1 printf("%d\n", 1900 + p->tm_year);獲取當前年份,從1900開始,所以要加1900 printf("%d\n", p->tm_yday); 從今年1月1日算起至今的天數,范圍為0-36*/ unsigned char Month_buf[12] = { 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 }; if (month_[0] == 2) (((year_[0] % 4 == 0) && (year_[0] % 100 != 0)) || (year_[0] % 400 == 0)) ? Month_buf[1] += 1 : Month_buf[1]; if (month_[0] > 12 || month_[0]<1 || date_[0]>Month_buf[month_[0] - 1] || date_[0] < 1 || hour_[0] < 0 || hour_[0]>23) { flag = 1; return flag; } if (year_[0] < p->tm_year + 1900)flag = 1; else if (year_[0] == p->tm_year + 1900) { if (month_[0] < p->tm_mon + 1)flag = 1; else if (month_[0] == p->tm_mon + 1) { if (date_[0] < p->tm_mday)flag = 1; else if (date_[0] == p->tm_mday) { if (hour_[0] < 8 + p->tm_hour)flag = 1; else if (hour_[0] == 8 + p->tm_hour)flag = 0; else if (hour_[0] > 8 + p->tm_hour)flag = 0; } else if (date_[0] > p->tm_mday)flag = 0; } else if (month_[0] > p->tm_mon + 1)flag = 0; } else if (year_[0] > p->tm_year + 1900)flag = 0; return flag;//返回0是輸入日期大於當前日期,1是輸入日期小於當前日期 } int Check_date2(int year_[2], int month_[2], int date_[2], int hour_[2]) { unsigned char Month_buf[12] = { 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 }; if (month_[1] == 2) (((year_[1] % 4 == 0) && (year_[1] % 100 != 0)) || (year_[1] % 400 == 0)) ? Month_buf[1] += 1 : Month_buf[1]; if (month_[1] > 12 || month_[1]<1 || date_[1]>Month_buf[month_[1] - 1] || date_[1] < 1 || hour_[1] < 0 || hour_[1]>23)return 1; if (year_[0] < year_[1])return 0; else if (year_[0] == year_[1]) { if (month_[0] < month_[1])return 0; else if (month_[0] == month_[1]) { if (date_[0] < date_[1])return 0; else if (date_[0] == date_[1]) { if (hour_[0] < hour_[1])return 0; else if (hour_[0] == hour_[1]) return 1; else if (hour_[0] > hour_[1])return 1; } else if (date_[0] > date_[1])return 1; } else if (month_[0] > month_[1])return 1; } else if (year_[0] > year_[1])return 1; //返回0是離開日期大於入住日期,1是離開日期小於入住日期 } int Check_date3(int year, int month, int date, int hour) { int flag = 0; time_t timep; struct tm* p; time(&timep); p = gmtime(&timep); if (year < p->tm_year + 1900)flag = 0; else if (year == p->tm_year + 1900) { if (month < p->tm_mon + 1)flag = 0; else if (month == p->tm_mon + 1) { if (date < p->tm_mday)flag = 0; else if (date == p->tm_mday) { if (hour < 8 + p->tm_hour)flag = 0; else if (hour == 8 + p->tm_hour)flag = 0; else if (hour > 8 + p->tm_hour)flag++; } else if (date > p->tm_mday)flag++; } else if (month > p->tm_mon + 1)flag++; } else if (year > p->tm_year + 1900)flag++; return flag;//返回1是離開日期大於現在日期,0是離開日期小於現在日期 } int Check_date4(int year_, int month_, int date_, int hour_) { int flag = 0; time_t timep; struct tm* p; time(&timep); p = gmtime(&timep); unsigned char Month_buf[12] = { 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 }; if (month_ == 2) (((year_ % 4 == 0) && (year_ % 100 != 0)) || (year_ % 400 == 0)) ? Month_buf[1] += 1 : Month_buf[1]; if (month_ > 12 || month_<1 || date_>Month_buf[month_ - 1] || date_ < 1 || hour_ < 0 || hour_>23) { flag++; return flag; } if (year_ < p->tm_year + 1900)flag++; else if (year_ == p->tm_year + 1900) { if (month_ < p->tm_mon + 1)flag++; else if (month_ == p->tm_mon + 1) { if (date_ < p->tm_mday)flag++; else if (date_ == p->tm_mday) { if (hour_ < 8 + p->tm_hour)flag++; else if (hour_ == 8 + p->tm_hour)flag = 0; else if (hour_ > 8 + p->tm_hour)flag = 0; } else if (date_ > p->tm_mday)flag = 0; } else if (month_ > p->tm_mon + 1)flag = 0; } else if (year_ > p->tm_year + 1900)flag = 0; return flag;//返回0是輸入日期大於當前日期,1是輸入日期小於當前日期 } void deletedisabledorder() { Order* p; Order* q; p = ohead; int m = 0; q = p->onext; while (q != NULL) { if (Check_date3(q->year[1], q->mon[1], q->day[1], q->hour[1]) != 1)//判斷訂單是否失效 { emptyroom(q->room_->roomnumber);//把房間狀態清除 p->onext = q->onext; free(q); q = p->onext; m++; } else { p = p->onext; q = q->onext; } } if (m != 0)printf("失效訂單已刪除\n"); else printf("當前無失效訂單\n"); } void checkchar(char t[]) { int i; for (i = 0;; i++) { if (t[i] == '\n') { t[i] = '\0'; break; } } } void checkchar1(char t[]) { int i; for (i = 0;; i++) { if (t[i] == '\0') { t[i] = '\n'; t[i + 1] = '\0';//添加換行符 break; } } } void changeorder()//修改訂單 { system("cls"); char phonenumber_[20]; char id[40]; Order* p; char num[20]; int m = 0, m1 = 0; if (ohead->onext == NULL) { printf("訂單為空修改失敗\n"); system("pause"); } else { p = ohead->onext; char nam[20]; printf("輸入修改訂單的客戶的姓名:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(nam); checkchar1(nam); while (strcmp(p->room_->u.name, nam) != 0 && p->onext != NULL) p = p->onext; if (strcmp(p->room_->u.name, nam) == 0) { m++; if (Check_date1(p->year, p->mon, p->day, p->hour) != 0) { printf("已到入住日期無法修改"); system("pause"); } else while (1) { system("cls"); printf("1.修改姓名\n"); printf("2.修改電話\n"); printf("3.修改身份證號\n"); printf("4.修改入住時期\n"); printf("5.修改離開時期\n"); printf("6.退出修改\n"); printf("輸入要修改的選項:\n"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(num); while ((strcmp(num, "1") != 0) && (strcmp(num, "2") != 0) && (strcmp(num, "3") != 0) && (strcmp(num, "4") != 0) && (strcmp(num, "5") != 0) && (strcmp(num, "6") != 0)) { printf("選擇有誤,請重新輸入:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(num); } if (strcmp(num, "1") == 0) { printf("輸入新的姓名:"); checkchar(p->room_->u.name); gets(nam); while (strcmp(p->room_->u.name, nam) == 0) { printf("姓名未更改,請重新輸入:"); scanf("%s", nam); } checkchar1(nam);//加上換行符才能比較 strcpy(p->room_->u.name, nam); printf("修改成功\n"); } if (strcmp(num, "2") == 0) { printf("輸入新的電話:"); checkchar(p->room_->u.phonenumber); scanf("%s", phonenumber_); while (strlen(phonenumber_) != 11 || judgephone(phonenumber_) != 0 || strcmp(p->room_->u.phonenumber, phonenumber_) == 0) { printf("電話號不符合要求,請重新輸入:"); scanf("%s", phonenumber_); } checkchar1(phonenumber_);//加上換行符才能比較 strcpy(p->room_->u.phonenumber, phonenumber_); printf("修改成功\n"); } if (strcmp(num, "3") == 0) { printf("輸入新的身份證號:"); checkchar(p->room_->u.idcard); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); scanf("%s", id); while (strlen(id) != 18 || judgeid(id) != 0 || strcmp(p->room_->u.idcard, id) == 0) { printf("身份證號碼格式有誤,請重新輸入:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); scanf("%s", id); } checkchar1(id);//加上換行符才能比較 strcpy(p->room_->u.idcard, id); printf("修改成功\n"); } if (strcmp(num, "4") == 0) { if (Check_date1(p->year, p->mon, p->day, p->hour) == 0) { printf("請輸入入住時間:年月日時(24時)中間請用/隔開:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); while ((scanf("%d/%d/%d/%d", &p->year[0], &p->mon[0], &p->day[0], &p->hour[0]) != 4) || Check_date1(p->year, p->mon, p->day, p->hour) != 0 || Check_date2(p->year, p->mon, p->day, p->hour) != 0) { if (Check_date2(p->year, p->mon, p->day, p->hour) != 0) { printf("請修改離開時間:年月日時(24時)中間請用/隔開:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); while ((scanf("%d/%d/%d/%d", &p->year[1], &p->mon[1], &p->day[1], &p->hour[1]) != 4) || Check_date2(p->year, p->mon, p->day, p->hour) != 0) { printf("日期輸入有誤,"); printf("請重新輸入離開時間:年月日時(24時)中間請用/隔開:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); }break; } else { printf("日期輸入有誤\n"); printf("請重新輸入入住時間:年月日時(24時)中間請用/隔開:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin);} } printf("修改成功\n"); } } if (strcmp(num, "5") == 0) { printf("請輸入離開時間:年月日時(24時)中間請用/隔開:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); while ((scanf("%d/%d/%d/%d", &p->year[1], &p->mon[1], &p->day[1], &p->hour[1]) != 4) || Check_date2(p->year, p->mon, p->day, p->hour) != 0) { printf("日期輸入有誤,"); printf("請重新輸入離開時間:年月日時(24時)中間請用/隔開:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); } printf("修改成功\n"); } if (strcmp(num, "6") == 0)break; system("pause"); } } if (m == 0)printf("該客人不在訂單中\n"); printf("\n"); system("pause"); } } void deleteorder() { char nam[20]; system("cls"); if (ohead->onext == NULL) { printf("沒有可刪除的訂單\n"); system("pause"); } else { printf("請輸入你要刪除的訂單的姓名:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(nam); checkchar1(nam);//加上換行符才能比較 Order* p; Order* q; p = ohead; q = p->onext; while (q != NULL) { if (strcmp(q->room_->u.name, nam) == 0) { emptyroom(q->room_->roomnumber); p->onext = q->onext; free(q); q = p->onext; printf("已刪除該訂單\n"); system("pause"); } else { p = p->onext; q = q->onext; } } } } void changeKEY() { char s[15], c[15], n[15]; int i, a = 0, b = 0, e = 0; system("cls"); FILE* fp = fopen("password.txt", "r+"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Failed to open file"); } fgets(s, 14, fp);//取出密碼 rewind(fp);//指針回到文件開頭 fclose(fp); fp = fopen("password.txt", "w"); printf("請輸入原密碼:\n"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(c); while (strcmp(c, s) != 0) { printf("原密碼輸入錯誤\n請重新輸入"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(c); } if (strcmp(c, s) == 0) { printf("請輸入新密碼(6~14位):\n"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(n); } i = strlen(n); for (int f = 0; f < i; f++) { if (('a' <= n[f] && n[f] <= 'z') || ('A' <= n[f] && n[f] <= 'Z')) a++; else if ('0' <= n[f] && n[f] <= '9') b++; else e++; }//判斷字母數字和其他字符的個數 while (i < 6 || i >= 15 || a == 0 || b == 0 || e == 0|| strcmp(n, s) == 0) { if (strcmp(n, s) == 0)printf("\n與原密碼相同\n請重新輸入:"); else printf("\n安全性不高或位數不符合要求\n請重新輸入:\n"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(n); i = strlen(n); a = 0; b = 0; e = 0; for (int f = 0; f < i; f++) { if (('a' <= n[f] && n[f] <= 'z') || ('A' <= n[f] && n[f] <= 'Z')) a++; else if ('0' <= n[f] && n[f] <= '9') b++; else e++; } }//判斷字母數字和其他字符的個數} fputs(n, fp); fclose(fp); printf("\n密碼修改成功\n"); system("pause"); } void color1() { char e[15]; FILE* fp = fopen("color.txt", "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Failed to open file"); } e[0] = fgetc(fp); fclose(fp); switch (*e) { case'1':system("color 10"); break; case'2':system("color 20"); break; case'3':system("color 30"); break; case'4':system("color 40"); break; case'5':system("color 50"); break; case'6':system("color 60"); break; case'7':system("color 70"); break; case'8':system("color 80"); break; case'9':system("color 90"); break; case'A':system("color A0"); break; case'B':system("color B0"); break; case'C':system("color C0"); break; case'D':system("color D0"); break; case'E':system("color E0"); break; case'F':system("color F0"); break; } } void changecolor1() { int a; system("cls"); FILE* p = fopen("color.txt", "w"); if (p == NULL) { printf("Failed to open file"); } printf("顏色列表:1=藍色 2=綠色 3=湖藍色 4=紅色\n5=紫色 6=黃色 7=白色 8=灰色\n9=淡藍色 10=淡綠色 11=淡淺綠色 12=淡紅色\n13=淡紫色 14=淡黃色 15=亮白色\n"); printf("請選擇相應數字改變系統顏色"); scanf("%d", &a); while (a < 1 || a>15) { printf("您的輸入有誤,請重新輸入\n"); scanf("%d", &a); } switch (a) { case 1:system("color 10"); fputs("1", p); break; case 2:system("color 20"); fputs("2", p); break; case 3:system("color 30"); fputs("3", p); break; case 4:system("color 40"); fputs("4", p); break; case 5:system("color 50"); fputs("5", p); break; case 6:system("color 60"); fputs("6", p); break; case 7:system("color 70"); fputs("7", p); break; case 8:system("color 80"); fputs("8", p); break; case 9:system("color 90"); fputs("9", p); break; case 10:system("color A0"); fputs("A", p); break; case 11:system("color B0"); fputs("B", p); break; case 12:system("color C0"); fputs("C", p); break; case 13:system("color D0"); fputs("D", p); break; case 14:system("color E0"); fputs("E", p); break; case 15:system("color F0"); fputs("F", p); break; }fclose(p); printf("\n顏色修改成功\n"); system("pause"); } void search2() { system("cls"); Order* p; int m; if (ohead->onext == NULL) { printf("無訂單,查找失敗\n"); system("pause"); } else { while (1) { system("cls"); printf("選擇查找方式:(1~4)\n"); printf("1.按姓名查找\n"); printf("2.按電話查找\n"); printf("3.按身份證號查找\n"); printf("4.按房間號查找\n"); printf("5.返回上一層\n"); char t[20]; fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(t); while ((strcmp(t, "1") != 0) && (strcmp(t, "2") != 0) && (strcmp(t, "3") != 0) && (strcmp(t, "4") != 0) && (strcmp(t, "5") != 0)) { printf("選擇有誤,請重新輸入:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(t); } if (strcmp(t, "1") == 0) { m = 0; p = ohead->onext; printf("輸入查找的姓名:"); char nam[40]; fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(nam); while (p != NULL) { checkchar(p->room_->u.name); if (FindSubstring(p->room_->u.name, nam) == 0) { m++; checkchar1(p->room_->u.name); printf("\n姓名:%s\n", p->room_->u.name); printf("\n電話:%s\n", p->room_->u.phonenumber); printf("身份證號:%s\n", p->room_->u.idcard); printf("房間號: %s\n", p->room_->roomnumber); printf("入住日期:%d/%d/%d/%d\n", p->year[0], p->mon[0], p->day[0], p->hour[0]); printf("離開日期:%d/%d/%d/%d\n", p->year[1], p->mon[1], p->day[1], p->hour[1]); } p = p->onext; } if (m == 0) printf("查找用戶不存在\n"); system("pause"); } if (strcmp(t, "2") == 0) { m = 0; p = ohead->onext; char ph[20]; printf("輸入查找的電話:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(ph); while (strlen(ph) != 11 || judgephone(ph) != 0) {//判斷電話號號是否符合規則。 printf("電話號不符合要求,請重新輸入:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); scanf("%s", ph); } checkchar1(ph); while (p != NULL && strcmp(ph, p->room_->u.phonenumber) == 0) { //找到電話一致的客人 if (strcmp(ph, p->room_->u.phonenumber) == 0) { m++; printf("\n姓名:%s\n", p->room_->u.name); printf("\n電話:%s\n", p->room_->u.phonenumber); printf("身份證號:%s\n", p->room_->u.idcard); printf("房間號: %s\n", p->room_->roomnumber); printf("入住日期:%d/%d/%d/%d\n", p->year[0], p->mon[0], p->day[0], p->hour[0]); printf("離開日期:%d/%d/%d/%d\n", p->year[1], p->mon[1], p->day[1], p->hour[1]); } p = p->onext; } if (m == 0) printf("查找號碼不存在\n"); system("pause"); } if (strcmp(t, "3") == 0) { char id[18]; printf("輸入要查找的身份證號:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(id); while (strlen(id) != 18 || judgeid(id) != 0) {//判斷身份證號是否符合規則。 printf("身份證號碼格式有誤,請重新輸入:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); scanf("%s", id); } checkchar1(id); m = 0; p = ohead->onext; while (p != NULL && strcmp(p->room_->u.idcard, id) == 0) { if (strcmp(p->room_->u.idcard, id) == 0) { m++; printf("\n姓名:%s\n", p->room_->u.name); printf("\n電話:%s\n", p->room_->u.phonenumber); printf("身份證號:%s\n", p->room_->u.idcard); printf("房間號: %s\n", p->room_->roomnumber); printf("入住日期:%d/%d/%d/%d\n", p->year[0], p->mon[0], p->day[0], p->hour[0]); printf("離開日期:%d/%d/%d/%d\n", p->year[1], p->mon[1], p->day[1], p->hour[1]); } p = p->onext; } if (m == 0) printf("查找號碼不存在\n"); system("pause"); } if (strcmp(t, "4") == 0) { char roomnum[20]; printf("輸入要查找的房間號(本酒店房間號101~112;201~208;301~304;401~403):"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(roomnum); checkchar1(roomnum); m = 0; p = ohead->onext; while (p != NULL) { if (strcmp(p->room_->roomnumber, roomnum) == 0) { m++; printf("\n姓名:%s\n", p->room_->u.name); printf("\n電話:%s\n", p->room_->u.phonenumber); printf("身份證號:%s\n", p->room_->u.idcard); printf("房間號: %s\n", p->room_->roomnumber); printf("入住日期:%d/%d/%d/%d\n", p->year[0], p->mon[0], p->day[0], p->hour[0]); printf("離開日期:%d/%d/%d/%d\n", p->year[1], p->mon[1], p->day[1], p->hour[1]); } p = p->onext; } if (m == 0) printf("房間未被使用或未輸入正確房間號\n"); system("pause"); } if (strcmp(t, "5") == 0)break; printf("\n"); } } } void search1() { int flag1 = 0, flag2 = 0; system("cls"); int count1 = 0, count2 = 0, count3 = 0, count4 = 0, m; char c[10]; Room* p; if (rhead->rnext == NULL) { printf("無房間,查找失敗\n"); system("pause"); } else { while (1) { system("cls"); printf("請輸入查詢方式:\n"); printf("1.房間狀態查詢\n"); printf("2.房間狀態和房間類型組合查詢\n"); printf("3.返回上一層\n"); char t[20]; fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(t); while ((strcmp(t, "1") != 0) && (strcmp(t, "2") != 0) && (strcmp(t, "3") != 0)) { printf("選擇有誤,請重新輸入:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(t); } if (strcmp(t, "1") == 0) { system("cls"); printf("閑置房:"); printf("\n"); for (p = rhead->rnext; p->rnext != NULL; p = p->rnext)if (p->flag == 0) { printf("%s", p->roomnumber); flag1++; } printf("\n"); if (flag1 == 0)printf("無"); printf("被占用房"); printf("\n"); for (p = rhead->rnext; p->rnext != NULL; p = p->rnext)if (p->flag != 0) { printf("%s", p->roomnumber); flag2++; } if (flag2 == 0)printf("無"); printf("\n"); } if (strcmp(t, "2") == 0) { while (1) { system("cls"); char n[20]; printf("請選擇查詢類型:\n1.單人間\n2.雙人間\n3.三人間\n4.四人間\n5.返回上一層\n"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(n); while (strcmp(n, "1") != 0 && strcmp(n, "2") != 0 && strcmp(n, "3") != 0 && strcmp(n, "4") != 0 && strcmp(n, "5") != 0) { printf("選擇有誤,請重新選擇:"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); gets(n); } if (strcmp(n, "1") == 0) { printf("空房有:\n"); for (p = rhead->rnext; p != NULL; p = p->rnext) if (p->flag == 0 && strcmp(p->type, "single\n") == 0) { count1++; printf("%s", p->roomnumber); } printf("\n"); printf("單人間還剩%d間", count1); } if (strcmp(n, "2") == 0) { printf("空房有:\n"); for (p = rhead->rnext; p != NULL; p = p->rnext)if (p->flag == 0 && strcmp(p->type, "double\n") == 0) { count2++; printf("%s", p->roomnumber); } printf("\n"); printf("雙人間還剩%d間", count2); } if (strcmp(n, "3") == 0) { printf("空房有:\n"); for (p = rhead->rnext; p != NULL; p = p->rnext)if (p->flag == 0 && strcmp(p->type, "triple\n") == 0) { count3++; printf("%s", p->roomnumber); } printf("三人間還剩%d間", count3); } if (strcmp(n, "4") == 0) { printf("空房有:\n"); for (p = rhead->rnext; p != NULL; p = p->rnext)if (p->flag == 0 && strcmp(p->type, "four\n") == 0) { count4++; printf("%s", p->roomnumber); } printf("\n"); printf("四人間還剩%d間", count4); } if (strcmp(n, "5") == 0)break; printf("\n"); system("pause"); } } if (strcmp(t, "3") == 0)break; printf("\n"); system("pause"); } } } void statistics() { system("cls"); Order* e; int m, year, mon, day, hour; if (ohead->onext == NULL) { printf("無訂單\n"); system("pause"); } else { printf("請輸入截止日期 年月日時(24時)中間請用/隔開:\n"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); while ((scanf("%d/%d/%d/%d", &year, &mon, &day, &hour)) != 4 || Check_date4(year, mon, day, hour) == 1) { printf("請輸入有效時間"); fflush(stdin); rewind(stdin); } printf("在該日期前生效的訂單有\n"); for (e = ohead->onext; e != NULL; e = e->onext)if (time_1(year, mon, day, hour, e) == -1 || time_1(year, mon, day, hour, e) == 0) { printf("\n姓名:%s", e->room_->u.name); printf("電話:%s", e->room_->u.phonenumber); printf("身份證號:%s", e->room_->u.idcard); printf("房間號: %s", e->room_->roomnumber); printf("入住日期:%d/%d/%d/%d\n", e->year[0], e->mon[0], e->day[0], e->hour[0]); printf("離開日期:%d/%d/%d/%d\n", e->year[1],e->mon[1], e->day[1], e->hour[1]); printf("\n"); } } system("pause"); } int time_1(int year, int mon, int day, int hour, Order* p) { if ((p->year[0]) > year)return 1; if ((p->year[0]) < year)return -1; if ((p->year[0]) == year) { if ((p->mon[0]) > mon)return 1; if ((p->mon[0]) < mon)return -1; if ((p->mon[0]) == mon) { if ((p->day[0]) < day)return -1; if ((p->day[0]) > day)return 1; if ((p->day[0]) == day) { if ((p->hour[0]) < hour)return -1; if ((p->hour[0]) > hour)return 1; if ((p->hour[0]) == hour)return 0; } } } } void read_() { extern Room* rhead; extern Order* ohead; FILE* fp = NULL; FILE* fp1 = NULL; char ch; rhead = (Room*)malloc(sizeof(Room)); if (rhead != NULL) { rhead->rnext = NULL; } ohead = exploitorderhead(); Room* p = rhead; Room* q = rhead; Order* p1 = ohead; Order* q1 = ohead; Room* u; if ((fp = fopen("room.txt", "r+")) == NULL || (fp1 = fopen("order.txt", "r+")) == NULL) { fp = fopen("room1.txt", "r+"); fp1 = fopen("order1.txt", "r+"); } else { fp = fopen("room.txt", "r+"); fp1 = fopen("order.txt", "r+"); } while (!feof(fp)) { p = (Room*)malloc(sizeof(Room)); fgets(p->roomnumber, 20, fp);//讀進來的還有換行符 //printf("%s\n",p->roomnumber); fgets(p->type, 20, fp);//讀進來的還有換行符 //printf("%s\n",p->type); fscanf(fp, "%d", &(p->flag)); //printf("%d\n",p->flag); ch = fgetc(fp); ch = fgetc(fp); q->rnext = p; q = p; } q->rnext = NULL; fclose(fp); ch = fgetc(fp1); if (!feof(fp1)) { rewind(fp1); while (!feof(fp1)) { p1 = (Order*)malloc(sizeof(Order)); u = (Room*)malloc(sizeof(Room)); p1->room_ = u; fgets(p1->room_->roomnumber, 40, fp1);//讀進來的還有換行符 fgets(p1->room_->type, 10, fp1);//讀進來的還有換行符 fgets(p1->room_->u.name, 40, fp1);//讀進來的還有換行符 fgets(p1->room_->u.idcard, 20, fp1);//讀進來的還有換行符 fgets(p1->room_->u.phonenumber, 20, fp1);//讀進來的還有換行符 fscanf(fp1, "%d/%d/%d/%d", &p1->year[0], &p1->mon[0], &p1->day[0], &p1->hour[0]); ch = fgetc(fp1); fscanf(fp1, "%d/%d/%d/%d", &p1->year[1], &p1->mon[1], &p1->day[1], &p1->hour[1]); ch = fgetc(fp1); ch = fgetc(fp1); q1->onext = p1; q1 = p1; } } q1->onext = NULL; fclose(fp1); deletedisabledorder(); } void backups() { system("cls"); FILE* fp = NULL; FILE* fp1 = NULL; if ((fp = fopen("order1.txt", "w")) == NULL) { printf("can't built the order1 file\n"); system("pause"); } if ((fp1 = fopen("room1.txt", "w")) == NULL) { printf("can't open the room1 file\n"); system("pause"); } Room* p1 = rhead->rnext; Order* p = ohead->onext; while (p != NULL) { fputs(p->room_->roomnumber, fp);//連換行符一起保存 fputs(p->room_->type, fp);//連換行符一起保存 fputs(p->room_->u.name, fp);//連換行符一起保存 fputs(p->room_->u.idcard, fp);//連換行符一起保存 fputs(p->room_->u.phonenumber, fp);//連換行符一起保存 fprintf(fp, "%d", p->year[0]); fputc('/', fp); fprintf(fp, "%d", p->mon[0]); fputc('/', fp); fprintf(fp, "%d", p->day[0]); fputc('/', fp); fprintf(fp, "%d", p->hour[0]); fputc('\n', fp); fprintf(fp, "%d", p->year[1]); fputc('/', fp); fprintf(fp, "%d", p->mon[1]); fputc('/', fp); fprintf(fp, "%d", p->day[1]); fputc('/', fp); fprintf(fp, "%d", p->hour[1]); fputc('\n', fp); if (p->onext != NULL)fputc('\n', fp); p = p->onext; } while (p1 != NULL) { fputs(p1->roomnumber, fp1); fputs(p1->type, fp1); fprintf(fp1, "%d", p1->flag); fputc('\n', fp1); if (p1->rnext != NULL)fputc('\n', fp1); p1 = p1->rnext; } if (fclose(fp1) == 0 && fclose(fp) == 0)printf("備份成功\n"); else printf("備份失敗\n"); system("pause"); } int FindSubstring(const char* strSource, const char* strSub) { unsigned int uLen = strlen(strSource); if (uLen == 0) { return -1; } char* str1 = (char*)malloc(uLen + 1); memset(str1, '\0', uLen + 1); strcpy(str1, strSource); uLen = strlen(strSub); if (uLen == 0) { free(str1); return -1; } char* str2 = (char*)malloc(uLen + 1); memset(str2, '\0', uLen + 1); strcpy(str2, strSub); unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; for (i = 0; i < strlen(strSource); i = i + 2) { if (str1[i] == str2[j] && str1[i + 1] == str2[j + 1]) { j++; j++; } else { if (j == uLen) { break; } else { j = 0; } } } free(str1); free(str2); if (j == uLen) { return 0; } else { return -1; } }
#include <stdio.h> #include "function.h" #include "struct.h" Room* rhead; Order* ohead; int main() { registers(); }