typedef struct AirPlane { char acFlight[20];//航班號 char acOrigin[10]; //出發地 char acDest[20]; //目的地 char acTakeOffTime[10]; //起飛時間 char acReverceTime[10]; //降落時間 float fPrice; //票價 char acDisscount[4]; //折扣 int iNum; //剩餘票數 }AirPlane, * PAirPlane; //定義機票信息節點的結構體 typedef struct PlaneNode { struct AirPlane stDate; struct PlaneNode* pstNext; }PlaneNode, * PPlaneNode;
typedef struct Man { char acName[20]; //姓名 char acID[20]; //身份證號碼 char acSex[10]; //性別 int iBookNum; //購票數量 char acBookFilght[10]; //訂購航班號 }Man, * PMan; //訂票人信息節點的結構體 typedef struct ManNode { struct Man stDate; struct ManNode* pstNext; }ManNode, * PManNode;
//作為數據改動的標志 int iSave = 0; int main() { struct PlaneNode pstPlaneNodeHead; //機票信息頭結點 pstPlaneNodeHead.pstNext = NULL; struct ManNode pstManNodeHead; //購票信息頭結點 pstManNodeHead.pstNext = NULL; Init(&pstPlaneNodeHead, &pstManNodeHead); // 將文件的數據加載到內存中 int iSel = 0; //用於接收用戶對功能的選擇 char c1; while (1) { system("cls"); Menu(); printf("Input 0-9 operations:"); scanf_s("%d", &iSel); getchar(); switch (iSel) { case 1: printf("進入添加機票頁面\n"); Insert(&pstPlaneNodeHead); // 添加機票信息 break; case 2: Search(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //查詢機票信息 break; case 3: Book(&pstPlaneNodeHead, &pstManNodeHead);//訂票 break; case 4: Modify(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //修改機票信息 break; case 5: Show(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //顯示機票信息 break; case 6: Recommend(&pstPlaneNodeHead); //推薦機票信息 break; case 7: Refund(&pstPlaneNodeHead, &pstManNodeHead);//退票信息 break; case 8: NowTime();//顯示當前時間 break; case 9: SaveMan(&pstManNodeHead); //數據保存 SavePlane(&pstPlaneNodeHead); break; case 0: if (iSave == 1) { printf("do you want to save (y/n)"); scanf("%c", &c1); getchar(); if (c1 == 'y' || c1 == 'Y') { SaveMan(&pstManNodeHead); //保存訂票人的信息 SavePlane(&pstPlaneNodeHead); // 保存機票信息 } } Destroy(&pstPlaneNodeHead, &pstManNodeHead); return 0; } printf("\nplease press any key to continue...\n"); _getch(); } Destroy(&pstPlaneNodeHead, &pstManNodeHead); return 0; }
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include<stdio.h> #include<assert.h> #include<Windows.h> #include<malloc.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> #include <time.h> #define HEAD1 "*******************************************************************\n" #define HEAD2 "|Flight|StartCity|DestCity|DepertureTime|Arrival| price |number|\n" #define HEAD3 "|------|---------|--------|-------------|-------|----------|------|\n" #define FORMET "%-9s%-9s%-10s%-14s%-10s%-2.2f%6d\n" #define DATA pst->stDate.acFlight,pst->stDate.acOrigin,pst->stDate.acDest,pst->stDate.acTakeOffTime,pst->stDate.acReverceTime,pst->stDate.fPrice,pst->stDate.iNum ```c //主菜單 void Menu() { puts("**********************************************************************"); puts("****** Welcome to the airplane tickets booking system"); puts("----------------------------------------------------------------------"); puts(" choose the follow operation(0-9) *"); puts("--------------------------------------------------------------------- "); puts("*********** 1 Insert flights 2 Search flights "); puts("********** 3 Book tickets 4 Modify fligts date"); puts("********** 5 Show flights 6 Recommend flights "); puts("************ 7 Refund tickets 8 Show current time "); puts("*********** 9 Save to files 0 quit "); puts("**********************************************************************"); } //打印函數 void PrintHead() { printf(HEAD1); printf(HEAD2); printf(HEAD3); } void PrintDate(PPlaneNode stLP) { PPlaneNode pst = stLP; printf(FORMET, DATA); } //銷毀函數 防止內存泄漏 void Destroy(PPlaneNode pstPlaneNodeHead, PManNode pstManNodeHead) { assert(pstManNodeHead != NULL); assert(pstPlaneNodeHead != NULL); PPlaneNode p = pstPlaneNodeHead->pstNext; PManNode q = pstManNodeHead->pstNext; while (p != NULL) { PPlaneNode tmp = p; p = p->pstNext; free(tmp); } while (q != NULL) { PManNode tmp = q; q = q->pstNext; free(tmp); } }
#### 初始化 ```c int Init(struct PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeHead, struct ManNode* pstManNodeHead) { //先加載飛機機票信息 FILE* pfPlane; //定義飛機機票信息文件指針 struct PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeTemp, * pstPlaneNodeCur; pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead; pstPlaneNodeTemp = NULL; pfPlane = fopen("plane.txt", "ab+"); if (pfPlane == NULL) { printf("can't open plane.txt!\n"); return -1; } else { //把文件數據讀入到鏈表中 while (!feof(pfPlane)) //讀到文件最後一個數據 { pstPlaneNodeTemp = (struct PlaneNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct PlaneNode)); if (fread(pstPlaneNodeTemp, sizeof(struct PlaneNode), 1, pfPlane) !=0) { pstPlaneNodeTemp->pstNext = NULL; pstPlaneNodeCur->pstNext = pstPlaneNodeTemp; pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeTemp; } } free(pstPlaneNodeTemp); //此時,釋放的是文件讀完後最後一次申請的指針 fclose(pfPlane); } //加載訂票人信息 FILE* pfMan; // 定義訂票人信息文件指針 struct ManNode* pstManNodeTemp, * pstManNodeCur; pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeHead; pstManNodeTemp = NULL; pfMan = fopen("man.txt", "ab+"); if (pfMan == NULL) { printf("can't open man.txt!\n"); return -1; } else { while (!feof(pfMan)) { pstManNodeTemp = (struct ManNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct ManNode)); if (fread(pstManNodeTemp, sizeof(struct ManNode), 1, pfMan) == 1) { pstManNodeTemp->pstNext = NULL; pstManNodeCur->pstNext = pstManNodeTemp; pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeTemp; } } free(pstManNodeTemp); fclose(pfMan); } return 0; }
void Insert(struct PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeHead) { assert(pstPlaneNodeHead != NULL); if (pstPlaneNodeHead == NULL) { return; } struct PlaneNode* pstNode, * pstHead, * pstTail, * pstCur, * pstNew; char acFlight[20]; //保存航班號 pstHead = pstTail = pstPlaneNodeHead; //讓pstTail指向最後一個節點 while (pstTail->pstNext != NULL) { pstTail = pstTail->pstNext; } while (1) { printf("Input the flight number (-1 to end):"); scanf_s("%s", acFlight, 20); getchar(); if (strcmp(acFlight, "-1") == 0) { break; } //航班號唯一 pstCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->pstNext; while (pstCur != NULL) { if (strcmp(acFlight, pstCur->stDate.acFlight) == 0) { printf("this flight %s esists!\n", acFlight); return; } pstCur = pstCur->pstNext; } //如果航班號沒有和現有記錄航班號重復 ,則重新建一個鏈表節點 pstNew = (struct PlaneNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct PlaneNode)); strcpy_s(pstNew->stDate.acFlight, 20, acFlight); printf("Input the Start City:\n"); scanf_s("%s", pstNew->stDate.acOrigin, 10); printf("Input the Dest City:\n"); scanf_s("%s", pstNew->stDate.acDest, 20); printf("Input the Departure time(Format 00:00):\n"); scanf_s("%s", pstNew->stDate.acTakeOffTime, 10); printf("Input the Arrival time(Format 00:00):\n"); scanf_s("%s", pstNew->stDate.acReverceTime, 10); printf("Input the Price of ticket:\n "); scanf_s("%f", &pstNew->stDate.fPrice); printf("Input the discount(Fromat(0.0):\n"); scanf_s("%s", pstNew->stDate.acDisscount, 4); printf("Input the number of the tickets:\n"); scanf_s("%d", &pstNew->stDate.iNum); pstNew->pstNext = NULL; pstTail->pstNext = pstNew; pstTail = pstNew; //如果有新的航班信息,保存標準置為1,若退出需要提示是否保存信息(見主函數) iSave = 1; } }
//查詢機票信息 void Search(PPlaneNode pstPlaneNodeHead) { assert(pstPlaneNodeHead != NULL); if (pstPlaneNodeHead == NULL) { return; } system("cls"); int iSel = 0; int icount = 0; PPlaneNode pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->pstNext; if (pstPlaneNodeCur == NULL) { printf("No flight record"); return; } printf("Choose one way according to:\n 1.flight 2.Dest:\n"); scanf_s("%d", &iSel); if (iSel == 1) { char acFlight[20]; printf("請輸入要查詢的航班號:\n"); scanf_s("%s", &acFlight, 20); getchar(); //打開訂票信息文件 for (pstPlaneNodeCur; pstPlaneNodeCur != NULL; pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->pstNext) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->stDate.acFlight, acFlight) == 0) { PrintHead(); PrintDate(pstPlaneNodeCur); break; //航班號唯一,查到就退出 } } } else if (iSel == 2) { char acDest; printf("Input the Dest City:\n"); scanf_s("%s", &acDest, 20); PrintHead(); for (pstPlaneNodeCur; pstPlaneNodeCur != NULL; pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->pstNext) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->stDate.acDest, &acDest) == 0) { PrintDate(pstPlaneNodeCur); icount++; //同一個目的地可能有多個數據 } } if (icount == 0) //遍歷完一遍,記錄數為0,則沒有記錄: { printf("Sorry ,no record!\n"); } } else { printf("sorry please input right number1-2"); } }
void Mod_menu() { puts("**********************************************************************"); puts("----------------------------------------------------------------------"); puts(" choose the follow operation(0-8) "); puts("--------------------------------------------------------------------- "); puts("******************* 1 flights ******************** "); puts("******************* 2 Origin ******************** "); puts("******************* 3 Destination ******************** "); puts("******************* 4 Take off time ******************** "); puts("******************* 5 Reverce time ******************** "); puts("******************* 6 Prices ******************** "); puts("******************* 7 Disscount ******************** "); puts("******************* 8 ticket number ******************** "); puts("******************* 0 quits ******************** "); puts("**********************************************************************"); } void Modify(PPlaneNode pstPlaneNodeHead) { assert(pstPlaneNodeHead != NULL); if (pstPlaneNodeHead == NULL) { return; } char acFlight[20]; PPlaneNode pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->pstNext; if (pstPlaneNodeCur == NULL) { printf("No flight to modifty!\n"); return; } else { printf("Input the flight number you want to modify:\n"); scanf_s("%s", acFlight, 20); for (pstPlaneNodeCur; pstPlaneNodeCur != NULL; pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->pstNext) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->stDate.acFlight, acFlight) == 0) { break; } } if (pstPlaneNodeCur) { //子菜單 int isel = 0; system("cls"); Mod_menu(); printf("please Input 0-8: "); scanf_s("%d", &isel); getchar(); switch (isel) { case 1: printf("Input new flights!\n"); scanf("%s", pstPlaneNodeCur->stDate.acFlight); break; case 2: printf("Input new Origin!\n"); scanf("%s", pstPlaneNodeCur->stDate.acOrigin); break; case 3: printf("Input new Destination!\n"); scanf("%s", pstPlaneNodeCur->stDate.acDest); break; case 4: printf("Input new Take off time!\n"); scanf("%s", pstPlaneNodeCur->stDate.acTakeOffTime); break; case 5: printf("Input new Reverce time!\n"); scanf("%s", pstPlaneNodeCur->stDate.acReverceTime); break; case 6: printf("Input new Prices!\n"); scanf("%f", &pstPlaneNodeCur->stDate.fPrice); break; case 7: printf("Input new Disscount!\n"); scanf("%s", pstPlaneNodeCur->stDate.acDisscount); break; case 8: printf("Input new ticket number!\n"); scanf("%d", &pstPlaneNodeCur->stDate.iNum); break; case 0: printf("quit!\n"); break; } printf("End Modifying information!\n"); } else { printf("flights number not exist!\n"); } } }
void Show(PPlaneNode pstPlaneNodeHead) { assert(pstPlaneNodeHead != NULL); PPlaneNode pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->pstNext; PrintHead(); if (pstPlaneNodeHead->pstNext == NULL) { printf("no flight ticket!\n"); } else { while (pstPlaneNodeCur != NULL) { PrintDate(pstPlaneNodeCur); pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->pstNext; } } }
struct ManNode* FindMan(PManNode pstManNodeHead, char acId[20]) { PManNode pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeHead->pstNext; for (pstManNodeCur; pstManNodeCur != NULL; pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeCur->pstNext) { if (strcmp(pstManNodeCur->stDate.acID, acId) == 0) // 知道到id號相同的訂票人的 { return pstManNodeCur; } } return NULL; } PPlaneNode FindPlane(PPlaneNode pstPlaneNodeHead, char* acBookFlight) { PPlaneNode pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->pstNext; for (pstPlaneNodeCur; pstPlaneNodeCur != NULL; pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->pstNext) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->stDate.acFlight, acBookFlight) == 0) // 知道到id號相同的訂票人的 { return pstPlaneNodeCur; } } return NULL; } void Recommend(PPlaneNode pstPlaneNodeHead) { //推薦給用用戶合適的機票 //時間 地點 PPlaneNode pstPlaneNodeCur; char acDest[20]; char acTime[10]; int iNum = 0; pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->pstNext; printf("Input your destination"); scanf_s("%s", acDest, 20); printf("Input the earlist time you can take:"); scanf_s("%s", acTime, 10); PrintHead(); for (pstPlaneNodeCur; pstPlaneNodeCur != NULL; pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->pstNext) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->stDate.acDest, acDest) == 0) { if (strcmp(acTime,pstPlaneNodeCur->stDate.acTakeOffTime) < 0) { PrintDate(pstPlaneNodeCur); iNum++; } } } }
void Book(PPlaneNode pstPlaneNodeHead, PManNode pstManNodeHead) { //接收訂票人頭指針 PPlaneNode pstPlaneNodeCur, astPlaneNode[10]; PManNode pstManNodeCur, astManNodeTemp = NULL; char acDest[20]; char acId[20]; char acName[20]; char acSex[10]; char acDecision[2]; char acFlight[20]; int iNum = 0; int iRecord = 0; int k = 0; char iFlag = 0; pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeHead; for (pstManNodeCur; pstManNodeCur->pstNext != NULL; pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeCur->pstNext); //將訂票人結構體指向尾巴 //輸入目的地 printf("please Input Dest City:\n"); scanf_s("%s", &acDest, 20); getchar(); //查找目的地 存入結構體數組中 pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->pstNext; for (pstPlaneNodeCur; pstPlaneNodeCur != NULL; pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->pstNext) { if (strcmp(pstPlaneNodeCur->stDate.acDest, acDest) == 0) { astPlaneNode[iRecord] = pstPlaneNodeCur; iRecord++; } } printf("\n there are %d flight you can choose! \n", iRecord); PrintHead(); for (k = 0; k < iRecord; k++) { PrintDate(astPlaneNode[k]); } if (iRecord == 0) { printf("sorry ,No flights you can book ! \n"); } else { printf("do you want to book it?(y(Y)/n(N))"); scanf_s("%s", acDecision, 2); getchar(); if (strcmp(acDecision, "y") == 0 || strcmp(acDecision, "Y") == 0) { printf("Input your information ! \n"); astManNodeTemp = (PManNode)malloc(sizeof(ManNode)); //assert printf("Input your Name :\n"); scanf_s("%s", acName, 20); strcpy(astManNodeTemp->stDate.acName, acName); printf("Input your Id: \n"); scanf_s("%s", acId, 20); strcpy(astManNodeTemp->stDate.acID, acId); printf("Input your sex(M/F) : \n"); scanf_s("%s", acSex, 10); strcpy(astManNodeTemp->stDate.acSex, acSex); printf("Input your Flights :\n"); scanf_s("%s", acFlight, 20); strcpy(astManNodeTemp->stDate.acBookFilght, acFlight); for (k = 0; k < iRecord; k++) { if (strcmp(astPlaneNode[k]->stDate.acFlight, acFlight) == 0) { if (astPlaneNode[k]->stDate.iNum < 1) { printf("No tickets!"); return; } printf("return %d tickets!\n", astPlaneNode[k]->stDate.iNum); iFlag = 1; break; } } if (iFlag == 0) { printf("error"); return; } printf("Input the book number: \n"); //訂購幾張票 scanf_s("%d", &iNum); astPlaneNode[k]->stDate.iNum = astPlaneNode[k]->stDate.iNum - iNum; //還剩下的票數 astManNodeTemp->stDate.iBookNum = iNum; //訂購票數 pstManNodeCur->pstNext = astManNodeTemp; //鏈接鏈表 astManNodeTemp->pstNext = NULL; pstManNodeCur = astManNodeTemp; //移動當前鏈表指針位置 printf("Finish Book!\n"); } } }
//退票 void Refund(PPlaneNode pstPlaneNodeHead, PManNode pstManNodeHead) { PManNode pstManNodeCur, pstManNodeFind = NULL; PPlaneNode pstPlaneNodeFind = NULL; char acId[20]; char acDecision[2]; int iNum = 0; //剩餘票數 int iBookNum; // //找到訂票人的結構體 printf("Input your Id!\n"); scanf_s("%s", acId, 20); pstManNodeFind = FindMan(pstManNodeHead, acId); if (pstManNodeFind == NULL) { printf("can;t find!\n"); } else//退票 { printf("this is your tickets:\n"); printf("id number:%s\n", pstManNodeFind->stDate.acID); printf("nmae:%s\n", pstManNodeFind->stDate.acName); printf("sex:%s\n", pstManNodeFind->stDate.acSex); printf("book flight:%s\n", pstManNodeFind->stDate.acBookFilght); printf("book number:%d\n", pstManNodeFind->stDate.iBookNum); printf("do you want to cancel it ?(y/n)"); scanf_s("%s", acDecision, 2); getchar(); if (strcmp(acDecision, "y") == 0) { //找到前驅 for (pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeHead; pstManNodeCur->pstNext != pstManNodeFind;pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeCur->pstNext); //找到該名訂購人的航班記錄 pstPlaneNodeFind = FindPlane(pstPlaneNodeHead, pstManNodeFind->stDate.acBookFilght); //退票 if (pstPlaneNodeFind != NULL) { iNum = pstPlaneNodeFind->stDate.iNum;//機票剩餘票數 iBookNum = pstManNodeFind->stDate.iBookNum; //訂購人訂購票數 pstPlaneNodeFind->stDate.iNum = iNum + iBookNum; } //刪除訂票人節點 pstManNodeCur->pstNext = pstManNodeFind->pstNext; printf("successful!\n"); //成功退訂 iSave = 1; free(pstManNodeFind); } } }
//保存機票信息 void SavePlane(struct PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeHead) { FILE* pfPlane; // 機票的文件指針 struct PlaneNode* pstPlaneNodeCur; int count = 0; //保存信息個數 int iFlag = 1; int error = 0; //pfPlane = fopen("plane.txt", "wb"); error = fopen_s(&pfPlane, "plane.txt", "wb"); if (error != 0) { printf("the file can't be opened!\n"); return; } //寫入信息 pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeHead->pstNext; while (pstPlaneNodeCur != NULL) { if (fwrite(pstPlaneNodeCur, sizeof(struct PlaneNode), 1, pfPlane) == 1) { pstPlaneNodeCur = pstPlaneNodeCur->pstNext; count++; } else { iFlag = 0; break; } } //提示保存信息數目 ISave置為0 if (iFlag) { printf("you have save %d flights\n", &count); iSave = 0; } //關閉文件 fclose(pfPlane); } //保存訂票人信息 void SaveMan(struct ManNode* pstManNodeHead) { assert(pstManNodeHead != NULL); if (pstManNodeHead == NULL) { return; } FILE* pfMan; struct ManNode* pstManNodeCur; int count = 0; int iFlag = 1; int error = 0; //pfMan = fopen("man.txt", "wb"); error = fopen_s(&pfMan, "man.txt", "wb"); if (error != 0) { printf("the file can't be opened!\n"); } //寫入信息 pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeHead->pstNext; while (pstManNodeCur != NULL) { if (fwrite(pstManNodeCur, sizeof(struct ManNode), 1, pfMan) == 1) { pstManNodeCur = pstManNodeCur->pstNext; count++; } else { iFlag = 0; break; } if (iFlag) { printf("you have save %d man", count); iSave = 0; } fclose(pfMan); } }
//顯示當前時間 void NowTime() { time_t curtime; curtime = time(NULL); printf("現在的時間是:%s", ctime(&curtime)); }