#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<dos.h> #include <conio.h> #include<string.h> struct Info { char name[15];/*姓名*/ char city[10];/*城市*/ char province[10];/*省*/ char state[10];/*國傢*/ char tel[15];/*電話*/ }; typedef struct node/*定義通訊錄鏈表的結點結構*/ { struct Info data; struct node *next; }Node,*link; void stringinput(char *t,int lens,char *notice) { char n[50]; do{ printf("%s",notice); /*顯示提示信息*/ scanf("%s",&n); /*輸入字符串*/ if(strlen(n)>lens) printf("\n exceed the required length! \n"); /*超過lens值重新輸入*/ }while(strlen(n)>lens); strcpy(t,n); /*將輸入的字符串拷貝到字符串t中*/ } void enter(link l)/*輸入記錄*/ { Node *p,*q; q=l; while(1) { p=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));/*申請結點空間*/ if(!p)/*未申請成功輸出提示信息*/ { printf("memory malloc fail\n"); return; } stringinput(p->data.name,15,"enter name:");/*輸入姓名*/ if(strcmp(p->data.name,"0")==0)/*檢測輸入的姓名是否為0*/ break; stringinput(p->data.city,10,"enter city:");/*輸入城市*/ stringinput(p->data.province,10,"enter province:");/*輸入省*/ stringinput(p->data.state,10,"enter status:");/*輸入國傢*/ stringinput(p->data.tel,15,"enter telephone:");/*輸入電話號碼*/ p->next=NULL; q->next=p; q=p; } } void del(link l) { Node *p,*q; char s[20]; q=l; p=q->next; printf("enter name:"); scanf("%s",s);/*輸入要刪除的姓名*/ while(p) { if(strcmp(s,p->data.name)==0)/*查找記錄中與輸入名字匹配的記錄*/ { q->next=p->next;/*刪除p結點*/ free(p);/*將p結點空間釋放*/ printf("delete successfully!"); break; } else { q=p; p=q->next; } } getch(); } void display(Node *p) { printf("MESSAGE \n"); printf("name:%15s\n",p->data.name); printf("city: %10s\n",p->data.city); printf("province:%10s\n",p->data.province); printf("state: %10s\n",p->data.state); printf("telphone:%15s\n",p->data.tel); } void search(link l) { char name[20]; Node *p; p=l->next; printf("enter name to find:"); scanf("%s",name);/*輸入要查找的名字*/ while(p) { if(strcmp(p->data.name,name)==0)/*查找與輸入的名字相匹配的記錄*/ { display(p);/*調用函數顯示信息*/ getch(); break; } else p=p->next; } } void list(link l) { Node *p; p=l->next; while(p!=NULL)/*從首節點一直遍歷到鏈表最後*/ { display(p); p=p->next; } getch(); } void save(link l) { Node *p; FILE *fp; p=l->next; if((fp=fopen("f:\\adresslist","wb"))==NULL) { printf("can not open file\n"); exit(1); } printf("\nSaving file\n"); while(p)/*將節點內容逐個寫入磁盤文件中*/ { fwrite(p,sizeof(Node),1,fp); p=p->next; } fclose(fp); getch(); } void load(link l) { Node *p,*r; FILE *fp; l->next=NULL; r=l; if((fp=fopen("f:\\adresslist","rb"))==NULL) { printf("can not open file\n"); exit(1); }; printf("\nLoading file\n"); while(!feof(fp)) { p=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));/*申請節點空間*/ if(!p) { printf("memory malloc fail!"); return; } if(fread(p,sizeof(Node),1,fp)!=1)/*讀記錄到節點p中*/ break; else { p->next=NULL; r->next=p;/*插入鏈表中*/ r=p; } } fclose(fp); getch(); } int menu_select() { int i; printf("\n\n\t *************************ADDRESS LIST*************************\n"); printf("\t|* 1.input record *|\n"); printf("\t|* 2.delete record *|\n"); printf("\t|* 3.list record *|\n"); printf("\t|* 4.search record *|\n"); printf("\t|* 5.save record *|\n"); printf("\t|* 6.load record *|\n"); printf("\t|* 7.Quit *|\n"); printf("\t **************************************************************\n"); do { printf("\n\tEnter your choice:"); scanf("%d",&i); }while(i<0||i>7); return i; } main() { link l; l=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if(!l) { printf("\n allocate memory failure "); /*如沒有申請到,輸出提示信息*/ return 0; /*返回主界面*/ } l->next=NULL; system("cls"); while(1) { system("cls"); switch(menu_select()) { case 1: enter(l); break; case 2: del(l); break; case 3: list(l); break; case 4: search(l); break; case 5: save(l); break; case 6: load(l); break; case 7: exit(0); } } }