pip install flask_cors pip install flask_sqlalchemy
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>五子棋</title> <style> * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 20px; } canvas { background-image: url("img/backgroud.jpg"); border: 1px solid #000; } .mybutton { width: 200px; line-height: 40px; text-align: center; background-color: cornflowerblue; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 20px; font-size: 20px; color: #fff; } </style> </head> <body> <canvas width="600" height="600" onclick="play(event)"></canvas> <div> <input type="button" value="重新開始" onclick="replay()" class="mybutton"> </div> <script src="https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> /*準備工作: 1獲取畫佈,獲取畫筆對象 */ var mcanvas = document.querySelector("canvas"); var ctx = mcanvas.getContext("2d"); /*準備工作:2創建一個二維數組 用來定義繪制棋盤線*/ var count = 15;//用來定義棋盤的行數和列數 var map = new Array(count); for (var i = 0; i < map.length; i++) { map[i] = new Array(count); for (var j = 0; j < map[i].length; j++) { map[i][j] = 0; } } /*準備工作:3初始化棋子*/ var black = new Image(); var white = new Image(); black.src = "img/black.png"; white.src = "img/white.png"; //開始繪制 1繪制棋盤線 ctx.strokeStyle = "#fff"; var rectWH = 40; //設置繪制矩形的大小 for (var i = 0; i < map.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < map[i].length; j++) { ctx.strokeRect(j * rectWH, i * rectWH, rectWH, rectWH); } } // 用來進行黑白子的切換 var isBlack = true; //開始繪制 2下子 function play(e) { //獲取點擊canvas的位置值默認,canvas的左上角為(0,0) 點 var leftOffset = 20;//body 的margin var x = e.clientX - leftOffset; var y = e.clientY - leftOffset; // console.log(x+" "+y); // 設置點擊點後棋子下在哪裡,獲取點擊的位置進行判斷如果超過格子的一半則繪制到下一個點如果小於 則繪制在上一個點上 var xv = (x - rectWH / 2) / rectWH; var yv = (y - rectWH / 2) / rectWH; var col = parseInt(xv) + 1; var row = parseInt(yv) + 1; console.log(xv + " " + yv + " , " + col + " " + row); //嚴格點需要驗證 ,驗證所輸入的點是否在數組中已經存在 ,如果存在 則返回 if (map[row][col] != 0) { alert("此處已經落子"); return; } // 切換繪制黑白子 if (isBlack) { ctx.drawImage(black, col * 40 - 20, row * 40 - 20); isBlack = false; map[row][col] = 1; $.ajax({ url: "",//請求的url地址 type: 'post',//設置請求的http方式,method也可以 dataType: 'json',//將服務器端返回的數據直接認定為是這個格式,然後會做一些自動的處理(如果是json字符串,會自動轉化為js對象),服務器返回的默認格式是text/html格式 data: {//向服務器端發送的數據 t: 1, row: row, col: col, }, success: function (data) {//請求成功之後執行的回調函數 if(data.code===201){ alert('黑棋獲勝') }else if(data.code===202){ alert('白棋獲勝') } }, error: function(error){ console.log(error) } }); // Yes(1,row,col) } else { ctx.drawImage(white, col * 40 - 20, row * 40 - 20); isBlack = true; map[row][col] = 2; $.ajax({ url: "",//請求的url地址 type: 'post',//設置請求的http方式,method也可以 dataType: 'json',//將服務器端返回的數據直接認定為是這個格式,然後會做一些自動的處理(如果是json字符串,會自動轉化為js對象),服務器返回的默認格式是text/html格式 data: {//向服務器端發送的數據 t: 2, row: row, col: col, }, success: function (data) {//請求成功之後執行的回調函數 if(data.code===201){ alert('黑棋獲勝') }else if(data.code===202){ alert('白棋獲勝') } }, error: function(error){ console.log(error) } }); // Yes(2,row,col) } } function replay(){ $.ajax({ url: "",//請求的url地址 type: 'post',//設置請求的http方式,method也可以 dataType: 'json',//將服務器端返回的數據直接認定為是這個格式,然後會做一些自動的處理(如果是json字符串,會自動轉化為js對象),服務器返回的默認格式是text/html格式 data: {//向服務器端發送的數據 isReplay: true }, success: function (data) {//請求成功之後執行的回調函數 window.location.href = "game.html"; }, error: function(error){ console.log(error) } }); } /*功能擴充: 1當勝利後 彈框:a是否在來一局 b 精彩回復 a 如果點擊在來一句 清空數據重新開始 b 精彩回放將棋盤黑白子按照下棋的順序進行棋子編號2悔棋功能 3對算法的擴充 a如果是雙三 則直接彈出勝利 b若是桶四 則直接彈出勝利 */ </script> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" name="viewport"> <title></title> <style> * { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } .title { font-size: 20px; background-color: cornflowerblue; color: #fff; /* * 裡面的文字居中 */ line-height: 50px; text-align: center; /* *絕對定位 */ position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; } .content { margin-top: 110px; } .mybutton { width: 200px; line-height: 40px; text-align: center; background-color: cornflowerblue; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 20px; font-size: 20px; color: #fff; } .shurukuang { display: block; margin: 0 auto; width: 200px; height: 25px; margin-top: 1px; border: none; border-bottom: 1px solid; margin-top: 5px; text-indent: 4px; outline: none; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="title"> gobang賬戶登錄 </div> <div class="content"> <input id="username" class="shurukuang" type="text" placeholder="手機號" value="yokna"> <input id="password" class="shurukuang" type="password" placeholder="密碼" value="123456"> </div> <div class="mybutton" onclick="myClick()">登錄</div> <script src="https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> // 請求路徑 var httpurl = ""; // 數據請求 function myClick() { var usernamestr = document.getElementById("username").value; var passwordstr = document.getElementById("password").value; $.ajax({ url: httpurl,//請求的url地址 type: 'post',//設置請求的http方式,method也可以 dataType: 'json',//將服務器端返回的數據直接認定為是這個格式,然後會做一些自動的處理(如果是json字符串,會自動轉化為js對象),服務器返回的默認格式是text/html格式 data: {//向服務器端發送的數據 username: usernamestr, password: passwordstr, }, success: function (data) {//請求成功之後執行的回調函數 console.log(data.code); if(data.code!==200){ alert("用戶名或密碼錯誤") }else{ window.location.href = "game.html"; } }, error: function(error){ console.log(error) } }); } </script> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function f(){ var myDate = new Date(); document.getElementById('currentTime').innerText = myDate.getTime(); } function loadPage(){ var targetURL = document.querySelector('#url').value; console.log(targetURL); document.querySelector('#iframePosition').src = targetURL; } </script> <div> 歡迎來玩五子棋: <input type="text" id="url" value="" hidden> <input type="button" value="開始遊戲" onclick="loadPage()"> </div> <div> <h3>加載頁面的位置</h3> <iframe style="width: 100%;height: 600px" id="iframePosition"> </iframe> </div> </body> </html>
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "mysql://root:password@localhost:3306/gobang" # "數據庫://用戶名:密碼@host:port/數據庫名稱" SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS = False # 這一行不加會有警告
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- #1.導入flask擴展 # 2.創建flask應用程序實例 # 3.定義路由及視圖函數 # 4.啟動程序 from flask import Flask, render_template, request from flask_cors import * import pymysql pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb() from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy import config #需要傳入__name__ 為瞭確定資源所在路徑 app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app, supports_credentials=True) app.config.from_object(config) db = SQLAlchemy(app) global map map = [[0 for i in range(15)] for j in range(15)] # #flask中定義路由是通過裝飾器來實現的,訪問路由會自動調用路由下跟的方法,並將執行結果返回 @app.route('/login',methods=["GET","POST"]) def login(): if request.method == "POST": # 以POST方式傳參數,通過form取值 # 如果Key之不存在,報錯KeyError,返回400的頁面 username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] user = queryUser(username,password) if len(user) > 0: return {"code": 200, "msg": "成功"} else: return {"code": 400, "msg": "驗證失敗"} println('驗證失敗') print(username+password) else: # 以GET方式傳參數,通過args取值 username = request.args['username'] print(username) return {"code": 200,"msg":"成功"} class User(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'user' username = db.Column(db.String(255)) password = db.Column(db.String(255)) id = db.Column(db.Integer,primary_key=True) def index(): user = User(username='你好你好',password='456456') #調用添加方法 db.session.add(user) #提交入庫,上面已經導入瞭提交配置,所以不需要在提交瞭 db.session.commit() return '這是首頁' def queryUser(username,password): user = User.query.filter_by(username=username,password=password).all() db.session.commit() return user @app.route('/replay',methods=["POST"]) def replay(): global map map = [[0 for i in range(15)] for j in range(15)] return {"code": 200,"msg":"成功"} @app.route('/yes',methods=["POST"]) def yes(): print('this is yes ') t = int(request.form['t']) print(t) tmprow = request.form['row'] print(tmprow) tmpcol = request.form['col'] print(tmpcol) row = int(tmprow) col = int(tmpcol) total = 1 map[int(row)][int(col)] = t chessboard = map print(chessboard) print('this is yes ') print(t) print(tmprow) print(tmpcol) #不寫註釋真容易看混,本少俠就勉強寫一點吧 #這裡是要判斷水平方向上是否滿足獲勝條件 while col - 1 > 0 and chessboard[row][col - 1] == t: total = total + 1 col = col - 1 row = int(tmprow) col = int(tmpcol) while col + 1 < 15 and chessboard[row][col + 1] == t: total = total + 1 col = col + 1 if total >= 5: if t == 1: return {"code": 201, "msg": "黑棋獲勝"} else: return {"code": 202, "msg": "白棋獲勝"} #判斷垂直方向上是否滿足獲勝條件 row = int(tmprow) col = int(tmpcol) while row - 1 > 0 and chessboard[row - 1][col] == t: total = total + 1 row = row - 1 row = int(tmprow) col = int(tmpcol) while row + 1 < 15 and chessboard[row + 1][col] == t: total = total + 1 row = row + 1 if total >= 5: if t == 1: return {"code": 201, "msg": "黑棋獲勝"} else: return {"code": 202, "msg": "白棋獲勝"} #判斷pie上是否滿足獲勝條件 row = int(tmprow) col = int(tmpcol) while row - 1 > 0 and col + 1 < 15 and chessboard[row - 1][col + 1] == t: total = total + 1 row = row - 1 col = col + 1 row = int(tmprow) col = int(tmpcol) while row + 1 < 15 and col - 1 > 0 and chessboard[row + 1][col - 1] == t: total = total + 1 row = row + 1 col = col - 1 if total >= 5: if t == 1: return {"code": 201, "msg": "黑棋獲勝"} else: return {"code": 202, "msg": "白棋獲勝"} #判斷na上是否滿足獲勝條件 row = int(tmprow) col = int(tmpcol) while row - 1 > 0 and col - 1 > 0 and chessboard[row - 1][col - 1] == t: total = total + 1 row = row - 1 col = col - 1 row = int(tmprow) col = int(tmpcol) while row + 1 < 15 and col + 1 < 15 and chessboard[row + 1][col + 1] == t: total = total + 1 row = row + 1 col = col + 1 if total >= 5: if t == 1: return {"code": 201, "msg": "黑棋獲勝"} else: return {"code": 202, "msg": "白棋獲勝"} return {"code": 203, "msg": "繼續"} #會運行起一個小型服務器,就會將我們的flask程序運行在一個簡單的服務器上,服務器由flask提供,用於測試 if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()
SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `user` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `user`; CREATE TABLE `user` ( `username` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL, `password` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `id` int(16) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of user -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `user` VALUES ('yokna', '123456', '1'); INSERT INTO `user` VALUES ('你好你好', '456456', '2'); INSERT INTO `user` VALUES ('你好你好', '456456', '3'); INSERT INTO `user` VALUES ('orange', '123456', '4');