C# 創建高精度定時器的示例
我們知道在.NET Framework中存在四種常用的定時器,他們分別是:
1 兩個是通用的多線程定時器:
- System.Threading.Timer
- System.Timers.Timer
2 兩個是專用的單線程定時器
- System.Windows.Forms.Timer (Windows Forms 的定時器)
- System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer (WPF 的定時器)
通常他們的精度隻能維持在10-20ms之間,這個和操作系統相關,所以我們在很多場景下面這個是不能夠達到我們精度的要求的,如果要實現這一需求我們該怎麼辦,當然也有很多辦法,今天主要介紹一種Stopwatch來實現的方式,網上有很多采用Win32 Dll的API這個當然是可以的,這篇文章的重點不是去討論這個,關於使用Win32 API的方式可以參考這裡。
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; namespace Pangea.Common.Utility { /// <summary> /// .Net Stopwatch對高精度定時器作瞭很好的包裝 /// DeviceTimer內部采用Stopwatch類實現高精度定時操作 /// </summary> public sealed class DeviceTimer { #if USE_CPU_COUNTING //引入高性能計數器API,通過對CPU計數完成計時 [DllImport("Kernel32.dll")] private static extern bool QueryPerformanceCounter(out long lpPerformanceCount); //獲取當前CPU的工作頻率 [DllImport("Kernel32.dll")] private static extern bool QueryPerformanceFrequency(out long lpFrequency); #else /// <summary> /// 獲取TickCount64計數 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> //[DllImport("kernel32.dll")] //public static extern long GetTickCount64(); #endif private enum DeviceTimerState { TM_ST_IDLE = 0, TM_ST_BUSY = 1, TM_ST_TIMEOUT = 2, } /// <summary> /// Stopwatch object /// </summary> Stopwatch _stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); /// <summary> /// 定時器內部狀態 /// </summary> DeviceTimerState _state; /// <summary> /// 定時器開始計時時刻的相對時間點 /// </summary> long _startTime; /// <summary> /// 定時器超時時刻的相對時間點 /// </summary> long _timeOut; #if USE_CPU_COUNTING /// <summary> /// CPU運行的時鐘頻率 /// </summary> double _freq; #endif /// <summary> /// 定時時間(單位:ms) /// </summary> double _duration; /// <summary> /// class constructure /// </summary> public DeviceTimer() { #if USE_CPU_COUNTING long freq; if (QueryPerformanceFrequency(out freq) == false) throw new Exception("本計算機不支持高性能計數器"); //得到每1ms的CPU計時TickCount數目 _freq = (double)freq / 1000.0; QueryPerformanceCounter(out _startTime); #else _stopWatch.Start(); _startTime = 0; #endif SetState(DeviceTimerState.TM_ST_IDLE); _timeOut = _startTime; _duration = 0; } /// <summary> /// 內部調用:設置定時器當前狀態 /// </summary> /// <param name="state"></param> private void SetState(DeviceTimerState state) { _state = state; } /// <summary> /// 內部調用:返回定時器當前狀態 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private DeviceTimerState GetState() { return _state; } /// <summary> /// 定時器開始計時到現在已流逝的時間(單位:毫秒) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public double GetElapseTime() { long curCount; #if USE_CPU_COUNTING QueryPerformanceCounter(out curCount); return (double)(curCount - _startTime) / (double)_freq; #else curCount = _stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; return curCount - _startTime; #endif } /// <summary> /// 獲取定時總時間 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public double GetTotalTime() { return _duration; } /// <summary> /// 停止計時器計時 /// </summary> public void Stop() { SetState(DeviceTimerState.TM_ST_IDLE); #if USE_CPU_COUNTING QueryPerformanceCounter(out _startTime); #else _startTime = _stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; #endif _timeOut = _startTime; _duration = 0; } /// <summary> /// 啟動定時器 /// </summary> /// <param name="delay_ms">定時時間(單位:毫秒)</param> public void Start(double delay_ms) { #if USE_CPU_COUNTING QueryPerformanceCounter(out _startTime); _timeOut = Convert.ToInt64(_startTime + delay_ms * _freq); #else _startTime = _stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; _timeOut = Convert.ToInt64(_startTime + delay_ms); #endif SetState(DeviceTimerState.TM_ST_BUSY); _duration = delay_ms; } /// <summary> /// 重新開始定時器 /// 開始的計時時間以上一次Start的時間為準 /// </summary> /// <param name="delay_ms">定時時間(單位:毫秒)</param> public void Restart(double delay_ms) { #if USE_CPU_COUNTING _timeOut = Convert.ToInt64(_startTime + delay_ms * _freq); #else _timeOut = Convert.ToInt64(_startTime + delay_ms); #endif SetState(DeviceTimerState.TM_ST_BUSY); _duration = delay_ms; } /// <summary> /// 返回定時器是否超時 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsTimeout() { if (_state == DeviceTimerState.TM_ST_IDLE) { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Warning: Misuage of the device timer. You must start it first before you can use it."); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Warning: Misuage of the device timer. You must start it first before you can use it."); } long curCount; #if USE_CPU_COUNTING QueryPerformanceCounter(out curCount); #else curCount = _stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; #endif if (_state == DeviceTimerState.TM_ST_BUSY && (curCount >= _timeOut)) { SetState(DeviceTimerState.TM_ST_TIMEOUT); return true; } else if (_state == DeviceTimerState.TM_ST_TIMEOUT) { return true; } return false; } /// <summary> /// 定時器是否在工作中 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsIdle() { return (_state == DeviceTimerState.TM_ST_IDLE); } } }
這個裡面我們在DeviceTimer中定義瞭一個私有的_stopWatch 對象並且在構造函數中就啟動瞭這個Stopwatch,所以我們在使用的時候是通過先創建一個DeveiceTimer的對象然後我們再調用內部的Start方法,當然在調用這個方法的時候我們需要傳入一個定時時間,然後不斷檢測IsTimeout方法看是否到達定時時間,從而達到類似於定時時間到的效果,另外GetElapseTime()方法能夠獲取從調用Start方法開始到現在的時間,另外我們還在其中定義瞭幾個枚舉值用來表示當前DeviceTimer的狀態用於做一些狀態的校驗,具體數值如下。
private enum DeviceTimerState { TM_ST_IDLE = 0, TM_ST_BUSY = 1, TM_ST_TIMEOUT = 2, }
using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace DeviceTimerConsoleApp { class Program { private static bool flag = true; static void Main(string[] args) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var deviceTimer = new DeviceTimer(); deviceTimer.Start(5); while (flag) { if (deviceTimer.IsTimeout()) { Console.WriteLine($"定時時間已到,距離開始執行已過去:{deviceTimer.GetElapseTime()}ms"); deviceTimer.Start(5); } } }); Console.ReadKey(); } } }
以上就是C# 創建高精度定時器的示例的詳細內容,更多關於C# 創建高精度定時器的資料請關註WalkonNet其它相關文章!
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