<view class="topnav"> <image src="../../image/top.jpg"></image> <view class="back" bindtap="back"><image src="../../image/left.png"></image></view> <view class="sousuo"> 科普答題 </view> </view> <view class="ioioi"></view> <!-- 問答 --> <!--pages/wenda/wenda.wxml--> <view class="heat"> <view class="heatengo"> <text>共計{{nums}}道題</text> <text>第{{curret}}道題</text> <text>每道題{{scoreFen}}分,總計:{{nums*scoreFen}}分</text> </view> </view> <view class="jingdutiao"> <progress class="jingdu" font-size="24rpx" percent="{{percent}}" color="#29aeef" show-info stroke-width="8" border-radius="5" ></progress> </view> <view class="contd"> <!-- <image src="../../image/cont.png"></image> --> <view class="oik"> <view class="tixing">{{subject.type}}</view> <view class="heads"> <view class="page-section-title">{{curret}}.{{subject.title}}</view> <view class="page-section" wx:if="{{zongfen>-1}}"> <!-- <text> 用戶得分:{{zongfen}}分</text> <text>總計答對題:{{score}}道題</text> --> </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="bottdi"> <checkbox-group class="raadl" bindchange="checkboxChange" > <view class="timu" wx:for="{{subject['answer-options']}}" wx:key="index"> <checkbox value="{{item.code}}" checked="{{isSelect}}" disabled="{{isdisable}}" /> <text>{{item.code}}.{{item.content}}</text> </view> </checkbox-group> <button bindtap="submit" disabled="{{btndis}}">提交答案</button> </view> <view class="cuowudemo" wx:if="{{zongfen>-1}}"> <!--button--> <view class="btn" bindtap="powerDrawer" data-statu="open">查看結果</view> <!--mask--> <view class="drawer_screen" bindtap="powerDrawer" data-statu="close" wx:if="{{showModalStatus}}"></view> <!--content--> <!--使用animation屬性指定需要執行的動畫--> <view animation="{{animationData}}" class="drawer_box" wx:if="{{showModalStatus}}"> <!--drawer content--> <view class="drawer_title">答題結果</view> <view class="drawer_content"> <view class="jieguo"> <text>總計:{{nums}}道題</text> <text>總分:{{nums*scoreFen}}分</text> <text></text> </view> <view class="jieguo"> <text> 得分:{{zongfen}}分</text> <text>總計答對題:{{score}}道題</text> </view> <view class="jieguodibu"> <view class="code"> <view><image bindtap="tiku" src="../../image/moku1.png"></image> <text>合格率</text> </view> <view ><image bindtap="cuoti" src="../../image/moku2.png"></image> <text>查看錯題</text> </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="btn_ok" bindtap="powerDrawer" data-statu="close">取消</view> </view> </view>
// pages/index2/index2.js const app = getApp() //打錯的題目放到erroroption let erroroption=[] Page({ data: { shuju: [], curret: 1, //第幾題 nums: '', //題庫題目的總數量 isSelect: false, subject: null, scoreFen: 2, //定義每道單選題的分值 percent: 0, //進度條數量計算 userSelect: '', //用戶選擇的題目個數 score: 0, //用戶答對的題目數量 curt: '', //如果用戶有選擇就更新進度條 zongfen: -1, //用戶的總分 btndis: false, //最後一題checked停止 totalerrow: 0 ,//用戶答錯題的個數 suiji:'00', suiji1:"00", jifen:0, }, back(){ wx.navigateBack({ delta: 0, }) }, onLoad: function (options) { wx.removeStorageSync('daui') var that = this; wx.request({ url: 'XXXXXXXX?page=1&rows=10', //題目接口 data: { }, header: { 'content-type': 'application/json' // 默認值 }, success(res) { that.setData({ //shuju:JSON.stringify(res.data.data.rows) shuju: res.data.data.rows, subject: res.data.data.rows[that.data.curret - 1], nums: res.data.data.rows.length }) } }) }, checkboxChange(e) { this.setData({ userSelect: e.detail.value }) }, submit() { wx.setStorageSync('leng1', this.data.shuju.length) //1.獲取用戶選項,並判空 let userSelect = this.data.userSelect; if (!userSelect || userSelect < 1) { wx.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '您還沒有選擇答案!', }) return } //隨機數答題 var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); this.setData({ suiji: random }) // console.log("出現的隨機數",this.data.suiji) //2.如果用戶有選擇就更新進度條 let curt = this.data.curret; //2 //進度條 this.setData({ percent: (curt / this.data.shuju.length * 100).toFixed(2), }) //判斷所選擇的答案是否在正確答案中 let daan = this.data.subject.answer_choices; let a = [] daan.forEach(item => { a.push(item.content) }) console.log("正確答案是:", a) let leng = daan.length; console.log("多選題選擇瞭", userSelect) //選擇答案的個數和長度 let daan2 = userSelect; let leng2 = daan2.length; //3.判斷用戶是否答對 if(a.sort().toString()==daan2.sort().toString()){ let score = this.data.score+1; // console.log("答對瞭:",score) this.setData({ score:score }) }else{ //4.記錄用戶答錯的題,幫用戶查漏補缺 let subjectNon = this.data.subject; subjectNon.userSelect = userSelect; //將用戶答錯的題放到常量erroroption erroroption.push(subjectNon) // console.log("錯題",erroroption) } //判斷是否答題結束4 if(curt+1>this.data.shuju.length){ //5.在用戶答完最後一道題的時候對用戶進行打分 let userScore = this.data.score; let scoreFen = this.data.scoreFen; this.setData({ zongfen:scoreFen*userScore, totalerrow:erroroption.length }) wx.showToast({ icon:'none', title: '已經是最後一題瞭!', }) this.setData({ btndis:true }) //數據緩存 wx.setStorageSync('errodat', erroroption) //數據讀取 let name = wx.getStorageSync('xingming'); let phone = wx.getStorageSync('phone'); let daui = wx.getStorageSync('daui'); let chang = this.data.shuju.length; var that = this if(daui/chang*100>=80){ let num = this.data.jifen let jifen = num+4 console.log("加4分") console.log(jifen) that.setData({ jifen:jifen }) }else if(daui/chang*100>=60){ let num = this.data.jifen console.log("加2分") let jifen = num+2 console.log(jifen) that.setData({ jifen:jifen }) }else if(daui/chang*100<60){ let num = this.data.jifen console.log("不加分") let jifen = num+1 console.log(jifen) that.setData({ jifen:jifen }) } let integral = this.data.jifen; wx.setStorageSync('integral', integral) console.log(name) console.log(phone) console.log(integral) //向後端提交數據 wx.request({ url: 'url', header:{ "Content-Type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, method:"POST", data:{name:name,phone:phone,integral:integral}, success:function(res){ console.log(res.data) if (res.data.status == 0) { wx.showToast({ title: '提交失敗!!!', icon: 'loading', duration: 1500 }) }else{ wx.showToast({ title: '提交成功!!!',//這裡打印出登錄成功 icon: 'success', duration: 1000 }) } }, fail:function(){ } }) return } // 數據佳佳 if (this.data.curret < this.data.shuju.length) { this.setData({ userSelect:'', subject: this.data.shuju[this.data.suiji], curret: ++this.data.curret, isSelect:false }) console.log("題目:",this.data.subject) return } }, //自定義彈框 powerDrawer: function (e) { var currentStatu = e.currentTarget.dataset.statu; this.util(currentStatu) }, util: function(currentStatu){ /* 動畫部分 */ // 第1步:創建動畫實例 var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 200, //動畫時長 timingFunction: "linear", //線性 delay: 0 //0則不延遲 }); // 第2步:這個動畫實例賦給當前的動畫實例 this.animation = animation; // 第3步:執行第一組動畫 animation.opacity(0).rotateX(-100).step(); // 第4步:導出動畫對象賦給數據對象儲存 this.setData({ animationData: animation.export() }) // 第5步:設置定時器到指定時候後,執行第二組動畫 setTimeout(function () { // 執行第二組動畫 animation.opacity(1).rotateX(0).step(); // 給數據對象儲存的第一組動畫,更替為執行完第二組動畫的動畫對象 this.setData({ animationData: animation }) //關閉 if (currentStatu == "close") { this.setData( { showModalStatus: false } ); } }.bind(this), 200) // 顯示 if (currentStatu == "open") { this.setData( { showModalStatus: true } ); } }, //查看成績 tiku(){ wx.switchTab({ url: '/pages/school/school', }) }, //6.查看錯題 cuoti(){ //1.跳頁之前存數據 //2.用全局變量的,將數據傳給全局 //app.globalData.globalerror = erroroption; //如果頁面有tabbar,跳轉就要改成 wx.switchTab()跳轉 wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/errowoption/errowoption', }) } })
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