1. 閉包
// <button onclick=”increaseCounter()”>Increase Counter</button> //1. 全局變量,變量會被意外修改 let counter = 0; function increaseCounter() { counter++; } //2. 局部變量,每次調用都重置為0 function increaseCounter() { let counter = 0; counter++; } //3. 閉包函數,符合要求 const increaseCounter = (function() { let counter = 0; return function() { counter = counter + 1; console.log(counter); }; })();
2. 函數綁定
// 1. 與預期不符,得到undefined let book = { title: ‘Learn JavaScript', printTitle() { console.log(`Book's title: ${this.title}`); } } setTimeout(book.printTitle, 1000); // Book's title: undefined // 2. 利用函數綁定,符合預期 let book = { title: ‘Learn JavaScript', printTitle() { console.log(`Book's title: ${this.title}`); } } let printTitle = book.printTitle.bind(book); setTimeout(printTitle, 1000); // Book's title: JavaScript
// 1. move、jump函數在animal命名空間下,需要通過animal.move()來調用 let animal = { move: () => { console.log(‘Move!'); }, jump: () => { consle.log(‘Jump!'); } }; // 2. 真實項目中,可能會按如下方式使用命名空間 if (typeof APP === "undefined") { APP = {}; APP.ANIMAL = {}; } APP.ANIMAL.move = () => { console.log(‘Move'); }; APP.ANIMAL.jump = () => { console.log(‘Jump'); }; APP.ANIMAL.move(); // Move APP.ANIMAL.jump(); // Jump
4. 判斷屬性是否存在
const person = { id: "123", name: "張三" } console.debug("id" in person) //true console.debug("age" in person) //false
5. 解構賦值
const { address: addressLine } = { address: "長安街20號", postcode: "518118" }; console.warn(addressLine); // 長安街20號 const [first, second] = [1, 2, 3, 4] console.warn(first, second) // 1 2 //動態解構 const extractKey = "postcode" const { [extractKey]: youbian } = { address: "長安街20號", postcode: "518118" }; console.log(youbian) //518118
const data = { address: "長安街20號", postcode: "518118" }; Object.entries(data).forEach(([key,value]) => { if (["address", "postcode"].includes(key)) { console.log('key:', key , 'value:', value) } }) //輸出結果如下 key: address value: 長安街20號 key: postcode value: 518118
7. 過濾數組
const fruits = ["apple", null, "mongo", undefined, ""] const filted = fruits.filter(Boolean) console.debug(filted) //(2) ["apple", "mongo"] const any = fruits.some(Boolean) console.log(any) //true
8. 消除重復值
const fruits = ["apple", null, "mongo", "apple", ""] const uniqued = [ Set(fruits)] console.debug(uniqued) //(4) ["apple", null, "mongo", ""]
9. 判斷是否數組
const fruits = ["apple", null, "mongo", "apple", ""] console.debug(typeof fruits) //object console.error(Array.isArray(fruits)) //true
10. 轉換數字和字符串
const text = "12345" console.debug("text:", +text, "typeof:", typeof(+text)) //text:12345 typeof:number const num = 123456 console.debug("number:", num+"", "typeof:", typeof(num+"")) //number:123456 typeof:string
11. 轉換為boolean
console.log(!!null, typeof(!!null)) //false, boolean console.log(!!"", typeof(!!"")) //false, boolean console.log(!!undefined, typeof(!!undefined)) //false, boolean console.log(!!null, typeof(!!null)) //false, boolean console.log(!!true, typeof(!!true)) //true, boolean console.log(!!false, typeof(!!false)) //false, boolean console.log(!!{id:"", name:""}, typeof(!!{id:"", name:""})) //true, boolean
12. 可選鏈
可選鏈 ?. 是一種訪問嵌套對象屬性的安全的方式,可避免在對象或屬性不可用時拋出異常。由於JavaScript不是類型化語言,該特性還是很有用。
//未使用可選鏈接,將拋出異常 const contactInfos = { address: "長安街20號" }; console.warn(contactInfos.user.phoneNumber) // 以上語句將報錯:Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'phoneNumber') //使用可選鏈接,將打印undefined const contactInfos = { address: "長安街20號" }; console.warn(contactInfos.user?.phoneNumber) // undefined
13. 合並運算符
合並運算符的寫法為兩個問號 ??,對於該運算符連接的兩個參數,如果第一個參數不是 null,也不是undefined,則返回第一個參數,否則返回第二個參數。
const contactInfos = { address: "長安街20號" }; console.warn(contactInfos.user?.phoneNumber ?? "") // "" const contactInfos = { address: "長安街20號", addressNumber: 0 }; console.warn(contactInfos.addressNumber || undefined) // undefined console.warn(contactInfos.addressNumber ?? undefined) // 0
14. 有條件地添加屬性
const moreInfos = { info: "請開車前往." } return { address: "長安街20號", postcode: "518118", ...(moreInfos !== undefined && { moreInfos }) //僅當moreInfos不是undefined時,才添加moreInfos屬性 }
15. 異步調用異常捕獲
const results = await getPosts().catch((err) => { return { type: "error", message: err.message } }); console.warn(results) // { type: "error", message: "cannot get posts from this endpoint" }
16. 弱引用Map
const videoSegments = new WeakMap() let options = { id: "1234", timeStart: 1653831957378, size: 10000 } const segment = { data: new Uint8Array(200) } videoSegments.set(options, segment) console.warn(videoSegments.get(options)) // { data: new Uint8Array(200) } //以下當options被賦值為null後,該對象將被移除和回收 options = null console.warn(videoSegments.has(options)) // false, the `options` key object is deleted from the WeakMap
17. 反射
const person = { name: 'Bob', [Symbol('email')]: '' }; Reflect.get(person, 'name'); // = Bob Reflect.has(person, 'email'); // = true Reflect.has(person, 'phone'); // = false Reflect.getPrototypeOf(person); // = { constructor ... } Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( person, 'name'); // = { value: 'Bob', writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true } Reflect.ownKeys(person); // name, Symbol(email) Reflect.defineProperty(person, 'phone', { writable: true }); Reflect.has(person, 'phone'); // = true Reflect.set(person, 'phone', '123456789'); Reflect.deleteProperty(person, 'phone'); Reflect.has(person, 'phone'); // = false
18. 柯裡化
柯裡化(Currying)是一種關於函數的高階技術,它是指將一個函數從可調用的 f(a, b, c) 轉換為可調用的 f(a)(b)(c)。柯裡化不會調用函數,它隻是對函數進行轉換。
// 完成銀行轉賬交易函數,餘額+轉入金額-費用 const transaction = (fee, balance, amount) => ( balance + amout - fee; ); // 簡單實現的柯裡化函數 const curry = (fn, ...args) => ( (..._arg) => ( fn(...args, ..._arg) ) ); // 復用瞭transaction函數的免交易費函數 const freeTransaction = curry(transaction, 0); freeTransaction(10, 90); // = 100
19. 組合
//f 和 g 都是函數,x 是在它們之間通過“管道”傳輸的值 var compose = function(f,g) { return function(x) { return f(g(x)); }; }; var toUpperCase = function(x) { return x.toUpperCase(); }; var exclaim = function(x) { return x + '!'; }; var shout = compose(exclaim, toUpperCase); shout("send in the clowns"); //=> "SEND IN THE CLOWNS!"
// 組合函數 const compose = (...fns) => x => fns.reduce((y, f) => f(y), x); // 原函數 const addFee = amount => amount + 2; const addDiscount = amount => amount - 5; // 函數組合 const composition = compose(addFee, addDiscount)(100); console.log(composition) //97
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